级别 1 效果 +15% damage and +10% chance to critically hit with any laser weapon “From the humble Laser Pistol to the mighty Gatling Laser, you do +15% damage and have +10% chance to critically hit with any laser weapon.”— In-game descriptionLaser Commander is a perk in Fallout:...
关于an overview of laser pistol models in the Fallout series of games,参见laser pistol。 Fallout: New Vegas 武器 咻咻枪 要求 技能 Energy Weapons 0 力量要求 1 攻击数据 伤害/攻击 75 (100.5) 伤害/炮弹 75 (100.5) DPS 150 (281.4) DPS (重新装填) 37.5 (67.8) 暴击伤害暴击几率 50 x...
作为游戏中的标志性武器,AER9激光步枪是完成cosplay的绝佳选择,或者只是为了最终的食尸鬼入侵而挂在墙上。这把全尺寸步枪可能需要一些时间来打印,但它非常值得。 2 1 AEP7 Laser Pistol AEP7激光手枪是一种高科技的武器,它能发射出一束集中的光,它有足够的瓦数来造成相当大的伤害。 2 2 Fallout 4 Plasma Pisto...
Laser Pistol Size Adjustment:更小巧的镭射手枪 尺寸缩小。 Green Hood Remodel:绿色兜帽重做 Combat Armor Remodel:战斗装甲重做 14. Minutemen Enforcer Armor:义勇兵堑壕奇兵甲 B. GAMEPLAY & IMMERSIVE 1.You And What Army 2:你是什么军队(我们是人民军队) ...
Amplified laser pistol A 7‑11 9 3 2 1 250 10 = 6h 25m 24s60 = 2h 32m 28s102 = 2m 52s Armor piercing .32 pistol A 1‑5 3 2 1 1 150 10 = 4h 42m 37s60 = 1h 51m 48s102 = 2m 52s Armor piercing 10mm pistol A 2‑6 4 3 2 1 200 10 = 5h 8m 18s60 ...
Mine 0000433CGatling Laser 0000432E猎枪Hunting Rifle 00004333刀Knife 00004334激光手枪Laser Pistol 00004335激光步枪Laser Rifle 00004336Lead Pipe 00004337Mesmeron 00004339迷你机枪Minigun 0000433F导弹发射器Missel Launcher 00004340Nuka-Grande 00004342电浆手雷Plasma Granad 00004332电浆手枪Plasma Pistol 00004343电浆...
考尔.奥特姆的镭射手枪 (Col. Autumn's Laser Pistol)U 000ABBE4 战斗匕首 (Combat Knife) ...
-为Laser Pistol添加了新的动画 - 添加了Nuka Breaker,Crowbar和Hammer - 增加了碎片手榴弹,燃烧手榴弹,Flashbang和炸药 - 添加碎片矿 - T-51b头盔现在是一个面具 文件说明 Mod截图 相关作品 【RRC_CustomVoiceFollower_Eli v1.4.3】|玩家伤害数据(狩猎时)|原始恐惧|乌拉尔山LN|远程战争包[v1.1.1德国更新]|Cust...
10mm SMGor Laser pistolor Laser rifleContract for extermination ApparelWeaponOther itemsOn death Wasteland outfit.32 pistolor Chinese pistolor Knifeor Tire ironor Lead pipeor Combat knifeContract killing Hitmen only appear inFallout 3. Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted...