辐射-激光步枪(Fallout - Laser Rifle) 资源编号 :61807590 格式:fbx 文件体积 :10m 下载量 :3 云检查 fbx截图 云检查详情 C4D工具内截图着色模式 云检查收起 方式:Cinema 4D工具打开fbx文件内部截图 环境:Cinema 4D R19, windows10 参数:着色模式显示 ...
雷射步槍(Laser rifle)是高科技的能量武器,可發射出相干光組成的集中射束,有足夠的瓦數造成大量傷害。雷射步槍能以電池組包、核融合電池或有線電力系統來供電,不過大部分的型號是由微型核融合電池所充電的內部電容來供電。 已知有數種不同的型號。從低功率的自製版本到
AER9 Laser Rifle 作为游戏中的标志性武器,AER9激光步枪是完成cosplay的绝佳选择,或者只是为了最终的食尸鬼入侵而挂在墙上。这把全尺寸步枪可能需要一些时间来打印,但它非常值得。 2 1 AEP7 Laser Pistol AEP7激光手枪是一种高科技的武器,它能发射出一束集中的光,它有足够的瓦数来造成相当大的伤害。 2 2 Fal...
Laser rifle AER14 prototype Van Graff laser rifleMF Hyperbreeder Alpha (GRA) Pulse gunSonic emitter (weapon) Tri-beam laser rifle Tri-beam laser rifle (GRA) NotesThe Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout: The Roleplaying Game icon shows Vault Boy having two left hands. Though they do not shoot...
The power armour is a good way to keep your companions alive and the Laser Rifle can be nice, although the Plasma Rifle would be even better for both your companion or for repairs to A3-21's Plasma Rifle (because repairs are hard to come by for it early on). In the right-hand ...
The power armour is a good way to keep your companions alive and the Laser Rifle can be nice, although the Plasma Rifle would be even better for both your companion or for repairs to A3-21's Plasma Rifle (because repairs are hard to come by for it early on). In the right-hand ...
Laser 0000432E猎枪Hunting Rifle 00004333刀Knife 00004334激光手枪Laser Pistol 00004335激光步枪Laser Rifle 00004336Lead Pipe 00004337Mesmeron 00004339迷你机枪Minigun 0000433F导弹发射器Missel Launcher 00004340Nuka-Grande 00004342电浆手雷Plasma Granad 00004332电浆手枪Plasma Pistol 00004343电浆步枪Plasma Rifle 00004344...
I always loved F3 and NV AER-9 Laser Rifle, always loved burning enemies to the ashes from far distance. And the concept of sniper laser rifle is obvious for me, laser is very precise and fast (speed of light 0_o). Share 14 comments Pages 1 ElvenScoundrel supporter 9 kudos 04...
↑21.021.1TheLone Wanderer:"I'm interested. Continue..." Scribe Bigsley:"I started out in the Swords. I upped the output of a few Laser Rifles. Apparently some initiates couldn't handle the extra power. A few got hurt. Then I joined the Shields. Bowditch wasn't all that pleased wit...