3. 10mm Pistol debulked remesh replacer and standalone:更旧的10MM手枪 尺寸缩小,成色更旧。更像两百年前的东西。 Laser Pistol Size Adjustment:更小巧的镭射手枪 尺寸缩小。 Green Hood Remodel:绿色兜帽重做 Combat Armor Remodel:战斗装甲重做 14. Minutemen Enforcer Armor:义勇兵堑壕奇兵甲 B. GAMEPLAY & I...
作为游戏中的标志性武器,AER9激光步枪是完成cosplay的绝佳选择,或者只是为了最终的食尸鬼入侵而挂在墙上。这把全尺寸步枪可能需要一些时间来打印,但它非常值得。 2 1 AEP7 Laser Pistol AEP7激光手枪是一种高科技的武器,它能发射出一束集中的光,它有足够的瓦数来造成相当大的伤害。 2 2 Fallout 4 Plasma Pisto...
Semi-Overhaul of F4NV AEP-7 Classic Laser Pistol and Pew-Pew. Totally separated F4NV Laser Pistol from the vanilla Laser Gun, bugfixes, and redone LLs, all using RobCo Patcher wherever possible.
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18315 4estGimp - Institute Power Armor Redux - ESL - 上面那個的現代兼容插件 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/85011 Wattz 3000 mkII Laser gun - 建模非常精美的雷射槍 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/87734 UI: FallUI全家桶跟物品分類 ...
F4NV Classic Laser Pistol PA Animation Patch Endorsements 43 Unique DLs 621 Total DLs 751 Total views 6,823 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 2 items Last updated 29 April 20249:26PM Original upload 29 April 20249:26PM Created by BrainstormEpilog...
Tuned laser pistol A 7‑9 8 3 2 1 250 10 = 6h 25m 24s60 = 2h 32m 28s102 = 2m 52s Tuned laser rifle P 12‑14 13 4 3 2 300 10 = 8h 33m 52s60 = 3h 23m 17s102 = 2m 52s Tuned plasma pistol A 11‑13 12 3 2 2 300 10 = 7h 42m 29s60 = 3h 2m 57...
Mine 0000433CGatling Laser 0000432E猎枪Hunting Rifle 00004333刀Knife 00004334激光手枪Laser Pistol 00004335激光步枪Laser Rifle 00004336Lead Pipe 00004337Mesmeron 00004339迷你机枪Minigun 0000433F导弹发射器Missel Launcher 00004340Nuka-Grande 00004342电浆手雷Plasma Granad 00004332电浆手枪Plasma Pistol 00004343电浆...
考尔.奥特姆的镭射手枪 (Col. Autumn's Laser Pistol)U 000ABBE4 战斗匕首 (Combat Knife) ...
Two more can be found in the area of the scorpion gulch right up the hill to the west of the pit where radscorpions and the body of a dead wastelander with the missing laser pistol are located. The first is surrounded by some small rocks right in the middle of the path leading furth...
Small, dependable, reasonably powerful and widely available, the 10mm Pistol has been a staple of Wasteland combat since the bombs first fell. Laser rifles and pistols deal powerful energy damage, and can completely disintegrate defeated foes. Plasma rifles and pistols deal even more energy damage...