Error:Failed to resolveimport"~/unjs/utils/markdown"from"test/basic.test.ts".Does the file exist? image.png 问题分析 也就是说找不到~/unjs/utils/markdown这个路径。其中这里用到的~在nuxt项目表示根目录 问题解决 这里需要配置下项目里的vitest.config.ts文件,添加 'alias' 条目就行。 import{defin...
相关平台 微信小程序 复现仓库 小程序基础库: 3.0.0 使用框架: React 复现步骤 pnpm i pnpm run test 期望结果 希望vitest能够正常运行 实际结果 Error: Failed to resolve import "@tarojs/components/dist/components"
Issue description or question I'm trying out vitest. Tests are passing from the command line, but as soon as I start Wallaby, I get Error: Failed to parse source for import analysis because the content contains invalid JS syntax. If you ...
I deleted all yarn references and changed it to pnpm, ranpnpm import, deletednode_modules, and ranpnpm install. When I try to build one project that uses react and vite, I always get "Rollup failed to resolve import". For example, I havezustandand then it says it failed to...
vitest.config.jsを以下のように書き換えたところテストが実行できるようになりました。 以下はVueアプリを作成した際にvitestを選択するとデフォルトで作成されるvitest.config.jsです。 vitest.config.js import{fileURLToPath}from'node:url';import{mergeConfig,defineConfig}from'vite';import{...
Hi customer, it has been several days since my last comment, may I ask if you’ve repaired your install and resolve the issue now? Did you try my suggestion to delete the folder: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.CodeCoverage.Msi,version=17.8.3412...
输入命令vi ~/.ssh/known_hosts,编辑文件 删除对应ip的相关rsa信息,即可。 删除完毕之后,重新执行命令,会要求输入密码。 密码正确的话,命令正常执行。 方法二、 使用 ssh-keygen -R hostname 命令 ssh-keygen -R (服务器ip地址)
RequirementsToTestsMapping2 ResetTestResultsRequest ResolvedDataProvider ResolvedDataProvider ResolveDisconnectedUsersResponse ResourceAreaInfo ResourceChangedCallback ResourceContainer ResourceFilterOptions ResourceFilters ResourceItem ResourceLimit ResourceLockRequest ResourceLockStatus ResourceRef ResourceReference ResourceRefer...