使用Vite+vue3做练手项目进行学习,有时候为了方便,直接使用html原生组件进行测试,比如h1,button之类的。 但使用h1、button标签,会提示组件未定义的警告,但调试运行没有问题。 警告内容 Failed to resolve component: H1 If this is a native custom element, make sure to exclude it from component resolution via...
Describe the bug When I first write a component, the automatic import will take effect, the page can use the component normally, and the project runs normally. However, when I restart the project, the automatic import will become invalid...
Trying out Vite (a week old tool for building buildless Vue components) took me to Vue 3 beta and vue-router-next. I am currently facing this: Failed to resolve component: router-view Not sure whether it's due to Vue 3 beta or something ...
22、Failed to resolve component: xxx 不能加载 xxx 组件。 引用的组件没有在 component 声明,或者原来全局/局部加载的组件没有全局加载。 参考 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41983641/article/details/115361460 23、升级 v-contextmenu 到最新版本 参考 https://github.com/heynext/v-contextmenu yarn add v-co...
但是运行过程中遇到了报错:[vite] Internal server error: Failed to resolve import "vant/es" from "xxx" vue3 + vite 项目依赖 package.json {"name":"vue3-demo","private":true,"version":"1.0.0","type":"module","scripts":{"dev":"vite --host","build":"vue-tsc && vite build","prev...
vue事件代码内执行动态导入:() => import("../test/test1.vue");不报错,导入成功。 静态导入:import xx from "@/test/test1.vue",也不会报错,可以使用 vue事件代码内执行动态导入:() => import("@/test/test1.vue");报错,内容如下 [Vuewarn]:Failedto resolveasynccomponent:() =>import(__vite_...
Secondly, we use that render function to render the App component rather than using createRoot from the new React 18 root API. The site should now hot reload and we see our page with the counter. If not, restart the server and reload the page. I am new to Vite.I was trying to ...
resolves: [VantResolve()], libs: [ { libraryName:'vant', esModule:true, resolveStyle: component=> `/node_modules/vant/es/${component}/style/index`, }, ], }),/// codes... 按照“新版”的方式去配置vite.config,就可以解决Vant3.3.1及以上版本(Vite2.7.x)build项目代码失败的问题了...
Error when importing a component / layout [plugin:vite:import-analysis] Failed to resolve import ". ... Does the file exist? ... in Single File Components, to point to the Laravel web //... Read more > No results found Troubleshoot Live Code ...
vite: { publicDir: resolve(__dirname, 'static') } Fixed the imports, but I still have failures to resolve components, marked by these error messages: [Vue warn]: Failed to resolve async component: () => import('/@fs/Users/tahul/Projets/nuxt/nuxtjs.com/components/templates/Home/HomeDis...