Unable to resolve `@import "@phosphor-icons/web/src/regular/style.css"` from /Users/epoxide/epoxide/vite-unable-to-resolve-reproduction/packages/vite-4.3.x [vite:css] [postcss] ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/Users/epoxide/epoxide/vite-unable-to-resolve-reproduction/packages/vite-4...
importVuefrom'vue';importAppfrom'@/App.vue';import{ useRouter }from'@/router';importBuefyfrom'buefy';import'@/assets/scss/main.scss';Vue.config.productionTip=false;Vue.use(Buefy, {defaultIconPack:'mdi', });newVue({router:useRouter(),render:(h) =>h(App), }).$mount...
import { resolve } from'path';|-在plugins下resolve:{ // 设置文件./src路径为 @alias:[ {find:'@',replacement:resolve(__dirname,'./src') } ] } --- |-根目录下 tsconfig.json 文件中配置 在compilerOptions中 //配置 @"baseUrl":".","paths": {"@/*": ["src/*"] } ### ---...
Unable to package normal files in web worker feat: web workers p3-minor-bug plugin: legacy #19073 opened Dec 25, 2024 by just-ads 7 tasks done 1 Import scss in node_modules with a Vite resolve.alias fails in Vite 6 feat: css p3-minor-bug #19042 opened Dec 23, 2024 by daniel...
// Unable to resolve path to module 'unplugin-vue-components/webpack'.eslint(import/no-unresolved) 转换所有配置为 ts 文件 编译 一开始也是看了 issue 里提供的方案:"prestart": "tsc vue.config.ts --noEmit"+git ignore vue.config.js,但是我执行下来报错太多了...是一些第三方包的类型错误,有解...
import Home from '@/views/Home.vue' 在Vite 中配置也很简单,只需要在 vite.config.ts 的resolve.alias中配置即可: // vite.config.ts export default defineConfig({ base: './', resolve: { alias: { "@": path.join(__dirname, "./src") }, } // 省略其他配置 }) 如果使用的是 TypeScript...
My guess is since the entry point of vite is src/apps/app1/, and in the vite's config, I've created an alias of @ to src/, it's trying to resolve the @ of the package as well, and leads to wrong import as described below: import/no-unresolved Unable to reso...
const files= import.meta.glob('./*.js',{eager:true})//会得到一个对象 注意引入路径里绝对不能带有变量,会报错//{eager:true}是定义是否同步引入的参数,去掉会得到几个异步函数,根据自己的需求写就行了 console.log(files["./env." + import.meta.env.MODE+".js"].default)//到这里就相当于require...
项目团队成员希望能够禁用某些 JS 依赖。比如有团队成员希望使用 lodash 而将这个巨大的依赖引入项目,导致...
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; import laravel from 'laravel-vite-plugin'; export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ laravel(['resources/ts/app.tsx']), ], resolve: { alias: { '@': '/resources/ts', }, }, });VueIf you would like to build your frontend using the Vue ...