Alongside, series of focused group discussions were conducted with local people to capture the perception on aboutclimate change, its impacts and adaptation strategies applied to enhance their resilience capacity to changing climate. Rainfall and temperature data were collected from Department of Hydrology...
Beyond climate-smart agriculture: toward safe operating spaces for global food systems Agriculture is considered to be ???climate-smart??? when it contributes to increasing food security, adaptation and mitigation in a sustainable way. This n......
Yet the reasons for adaptation are equally unclear and the model equally controversial. Environmental changes do not seem to have been directly responsible, while the evidence for social change is elusive. Nevertheless, the appearance of cave art, careful burials, and ostrich-eggshell beads for ...
of the environment, holding holistic understandings of the interconnected drivers of climate change and evidence of climate-related changes and strategies for adaptation. For generations, Indigenous Peoples have centered their knowledge of climate change in their cultures, political organizations, and arts...
further emphasizing their hybrid nature. As climate change continues to alter habitats, encounters between polar and grizzly bears have become more common, increasing the likelihood of hybridization. This trend raises important questions about the adaptability of species in a rapidly changing world and ...
These periods demonstrate Maryland's adaptation to environmental changes and technological advancements. Human occupation in the area dates back to around 10,000 B.C., after the retreat of the Pleistocene ice sheet. The pre-Archaic hunter culture left limited records. By A.D. 1000, the Archaic...
Unlike mammals and birds, reptiles are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. This adaptation allows them to thrive in a wide range of environments, from deserts to tropical rainforests. ...
Another adaptation of the woolly bear caterpillar is its coloration. The caterpillar’s black and rusty-brown banded coloration help it blend into its natural environment, making it less visible to predators. When threatened, the woolly bear caterpillar can roll up into a tight ball, with its he...
aAdaptation, for example, is being promoted as a way to reduce the vulnerability of both natural and human systems to expected climate change effects (IPCC2007) and can include anticipatory, reactive, private, public and planned adaptation.Moreover, more attention is required on trying to identify...
CLIMATE CHANGE: HIBERNATION Hibernation Worksheets Complete List of Included Worksheets Hibernation is a state of drastically reduced metabolic activity and body temperature that some mammals adopt as a defense against harsh winter weather. All forms of winter dormancy in vertebrate animals are often refer...