LINK-ESG 好书推荐官本期要为大家介绍的《Climate Change Adaptation, Governance and New Issues of Value: Measuring the Impact of ESG Scores on CoE and Firm Performance》由卡罗·贝拉维塔·佩莱格里尼(Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini)、劳拉·佩莱格里尼(Laura Pellegrini)和马西莫·卡蒂佐内(Massimo Catizone)合著。...
· 解释变量:采用ESG总评分衡量企业整体的可持续表现,同时纳入ENV、SOC、GOV三个子维度评分,以考察各维度的差异化影响。· 控制变量:根据已有文献,纳入企业规模、负债水平、现金持有、研发投入、行业、年份等变量,以剔除其他因素的影响。(3)模型构建 为检验ESG与企业绩效的关系,构建如下回归模型:Firm_Perf it = α ...
Socio-economic factors constrain climate change adaptation in a tropical export crop Understanding and preparing for the impacts of climate change on tropical crops is key for global food security and sustainable development, especially in the Global South. This study maps banana production in Latin Am...
通过这样做,REDD应该可以为缓解和适应气候变化做出贡献。2.Furthermore, policymakers' neat division of the topic of climate change intomitigation, impact and adaptation is too simplistic.而且,决策者在减缓,影响以及适应气候变化的主题上,分歧过于简单化。
LINK-ESG 好书推荐官本期继续为大家介绍《Climate Change Adaptation, Governance and New Issues of Value: Measuring the Impact of ESG Scores on CoE and Firm Performance》。 ESG投资:一份来自全球市场的实证分析报告 为了检验ESG与企业财务绩效的关系,本章运用计量经济学方法,对一组跨行业、跨市场的上市公司...
Switching and relocating crops could be a key pathway for agricultural adaptation to climate change. Here, Rising and Devineni use data-driven Bayesian modelling to estimate the potential for crop switching to mitigate climate impacts on US crop production under a high-emission scenario, showing consi...
managed through adaptation and mitigation. The report assesses needs, options, opportunities, constraints, resilience, limits, and other aspects associated with adaptation. Climate change involves complex interactions and changing likelihoods of diverse impacts. A ...
1. 适应气候变化 Univer... ... Biotechnology( 生物技术)Climate Change Adaptation(适应气候变化) Environmental Entrepreneurship( 环…|基于3个网页 2. 适应气候变迁 ...l History in Humanities)、适应气候变迁(Climate Change Adaptation)、适应气候变迁中的农业与环境(Adaptation to Climate C…...
identified by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer (IPCC2014). Managing the risks of climate change involves mitigation and adaptation decisions with implications for future generations, economies, and ...
确立适应气候变化(Adaptation to Climate Change)在我国应对气候变化法中的重要地位 所谓适应气候变化,是指自然的或人类系统回应实际的或预期的气候刺激及其影响所作出的调整,以减轻损害或开发与气候变化有关的有利机会。[1]适应包括预期性的适应、反应性的适应,私领域的适应、公共领域的适应,自动适应、计划适应等多种...