Socio-economic factors constrain climate change adaptation in a tropical export crop Understanding and preparing for the impacts of climate change on tropical crops is key for global food security and sustainable development, especially in the Global South. This study maps banana production in Latin Am...
This study examines 2021 and 2022 news coverage of Generation Z and climate change to understand how this discursive relationship is constructed. This is i
Aug 22, 2024 Climate disasters challenge right to safe and adequate housing Jul 1, 2024 Finance flowing for locally led climate adaptationClimate Home News is an award-winning independent digital publication reporting on the international politics of the climate crisis.News...
Business news and video related to climate change and global warming, climate change stocks, clean energy, clean tech, climate policy, ESG, climate pledges, green business, adaptation, solar, wind power, nuclear, and more.
Launched at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, on the 10thof November, this first edition focuses on climate-change adaptation and showcases over 200 cutting-edge technology solutions that aim to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience against urgent...
summer on record has driven widespread humid heat mortality across every continent of the Northern Hemisphere. With critical physiological limits to human heat tolerance drawing ever closer, this Comment highlights the urgent need to limit further climate warming and emphasizes the adaptation challenge ...
Adaptation in urban areas Climate change: Red Cross reasons to be hopeful The Red Cross estimates that 96% of all disasters they responded to last year were caused by extreme weather. Theeffects of climate change are happening now,andhere the Red Crossand Red Crescentdemonstratehow theirworkon ...
Opinion: Climate finance and care services—why public investment is necessary The care economy is an important but unrecognized sector for climate change adaptation. I use the term "care economy" to encompass the work of caring for people that is paid and unpaid, largely undertaken by women. ...
"Mitigation and adaptation go hand-in-hand as two equally important building blocks of the Paris Climate Change Agreement. Adaptation is not only the right thing to do, it is also the smart thing to do to boost economic growth and create a climate resilient world," he said. ...
Canadian researchers and policy makers dealing with climate change adaptation in the agriculture field frequently point to an apparent lack of interest from producers when the topic is raised. This attitude may be the result of several conditions, including the fact that adaptation, as a term, is...