解释“factor variables may not contain noninteger values”的含义 这个错误信息表明,在使用统计软件(如R或Stata)进行数据分析时,尝试将包含非整数(noninteger)值的变量作为因子变量(factor variable)使用,但因子变量本质上只能包含整数值。因子变量在统计分析中通常用于表示分类数据,如性别(男、女可以编码为1、2)、...
factor variables may not contain noninteger values First, you are mixing -xi- and factor variable notation. You should just leave the -xi:- prefix away. Second, in most surveys I am aware of age will be measured in whole years. In those cases age should only contain integer values and ...
regress Var1 age##i.group Var1: is a continuous variable Age: is a continous variable / float When i run the code i get the following error message: age: factor variables may not contain noninteger values My question: what am i doing wrong and can i my float variable (age) to a in...
2.再一个是不知道如何控制公司层面,是类似控制行业一样,加i.id还是再回归后加 “,vce(cluster id)”呢? 对于第一种方法,也就是如果我直接:xtologit y x1 x2 i.year i.industry i.id ,会出现报错“id: factor variables may not contain noninteger values”; 第二种方法,也就是输入xtologit y x1 x2...
Non-integer values are not allowed in factor variables for Stata ANOVA, Detecting non-integer values in variables through observations, Resolving the 'contrasts can only be applied to factors with 2 or more levels' error during debugging
Re: st: age: factor variables may not contain noninteger values From: Maarten Buis <maartenlbuis@gmail.com> Prev by Date: Re: st: age: factor variables may not contain noninteger values Next by Date: RE: st: age: factor variables may not contain noninteger values Previous by thread:...