解释“factor variables may not contain noninteger values”的含义 这个错误信息表明,在使用统计软件(如R或Stata)进行数据分析时,尝试将包含非整数(noninteger)值的变量作为因子变量(factor variable)使用,但因子变量本质上只能包含整数值。因子变量在统计分析中通常用于表示分类数据,如性别(男、女可以编码为1、2)、...
factor variables may not contain noninteger values First, you are mixing -xi- and factor variable notation. You should just leave the -xi:- prefix away. Second, in most surveys I am aware of age will be measured in whole years. In those cases age should only contain integer values and ...
regress Var1 age##i.group Var1: is a continuous variable Age: is a continous variable / float When i run the code i get the following error message: age: factor variables may not contain noninteger values My question: what am i doing wrong and can i my float variable (age) to a in...
2.再一个是不知道如何控制公司层面,是类似控制行业一样,加i.id还是再回归后加 “,vce(cluster id)”呢? 对于第一种方法,也就是如果我直接:xtologit y x1 x2 i.year i.industry i.id ,会出现报错“id: factor variables may not contain noninteger values”; 第二种方法,也就是输入xtologit y x1 x2...
Non-integer values are not allowed in factor variables for Stata ANOVA, Detecting non-integer values in variables through observations, Resolving the 'contrasts can only be applied to factors with 2 or more levels' error during debugging
where Nt = K × 1 vector of labor inputs employed in the market in year t, Wt = K × 1 vector of market wages for these inputs in year t, Zt = m × 1 vector of demand shift variables in year t. The demand shifters, Zt capture the effects of technology, product demand shifts...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook factor VIII inhibitor IgG alloantibodies to factor VIIIc that inhibits coagulation, which occur in up to 50% of Pts with severe hemophilia A; factor VIII antibodies may arise spontaneously in inflammatory diseases–eg, SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative coliti...
(Minus) > > When conducting interaction with other variables having similar coding > arrangements, I get stata notification that "factor variables may not > contain negative values." Missing values are special values in Stata (and any other program). They would have to be, because the program...
Re: st: factor variables may not contain negative values From: William Buchanan <william@williambuchanan.net> Prev by Date: Re: st: how to do subsampling in stata Next by Date: Re: st: factor variables may not contain negative values Previous by thread: st: Pscore or pstest Next ...
Column (1) in Table 4, which does not contain the control variables, shows the impact of the digital economy on sustainable agricultural development. Its coefficient is positive and passes the 1% significance test, indicating that the digital economy can better promote sustainable agricultural ...