“factor-variable and time-series operators not allowed”意味着在合并操作中,你可能使用了因子变量(factor variables)或时间序列操作符(time-series operators),而Stata不允许在merge命令中使用这些。 检查merge命令的语法: 确保你的merge命令中没有使用到任何因子变量(如i.var)或时间序列操作符(如L.、F.等)。
st: Collapse error: "Factor variables not allowed" From: Lynne Morgan <lmorgan3@wisc.edu> Prev by Date: st: SSC Archive updates Next by Date: st: Optimizing recoding procedures Previous by thread: st: Collapse error: "Factor variables not allowed" Next by thread: st: SSC Archive ...
. version 10 . regress mpg weight i.rep78factor variables not allowed r(101);. regress mpg weight rep78#foreigninteractions not allowed r(101);. mat colnames b = `coln'rep78#0b: operator invalid r(198); Once you see an error message similar to these, you can trace your code and ...
Factor variables converted from step 2, indexed byind1, will not have any unused factor levels. Nevertheless, factor variables fromdatmight have unused levels, which could be due to step 0 and step 1. Therefore, we need to ensure that any possible unused levels are dropped from these variabl...
9B). Four independent prognostic factor variables, namely, RAB7A expression, radiation therapy, histological grade and residual tumour, were included in the model. These variables were allocated points using a point scale derived from multivariate Cox analysis. To identify the points for the variables...
The associations point in the same direction compared to the analysis based on SNAQ as a dichotomized variable (data not shown). Despite their limitations, dichotomizing variables might also have advantages as estimates such as odds ratios may provide results that are more easily understandable for...
Devise-Two-Factor usesActiveRecord encrypted attributes. If you haven't already set up ActiveRecord encryption you must generate a key set and configure your application to use them either with Rails' encrypted credentials or from another source such as environment variables. ...
Good Evening Forum Members,My wife uses Hotmail.com and has 2 factor authentication enabled on her account to provide her that extra security. Previously on...
Dear Statausers, When I run this command: tsset dtt probit y l.x1 l.x2 mfx I get the following error: factor variables and time-series operators not allowed r(101); What could be the reason for no mfx for lagged variables in time-series? Or am I missing something? Any comments woul...
Statausers, >> >> When I run this command: >> >> tsset dtt >> probit y l.x1 l.x2 >> mfx >> >> I get the following error: >> >> factor variables and time-series operators not allowed r(101); >> >> What could be the reason for no mfx for lagged variables in time-...