比如,你想测试两个Audience的表现,那你的常规Campaign的CPP(单次购买费用)为1.5美金,建议的转化次数300-500次转化后可以得到可靠的测试结果,那这组测试你所需要设定的预算就是:2 x $1.5 x 300 = 900美元的Campaign Budget来完成这次的测试。 最后,在广告端的Budget部分,你也可以选择两种预算分配方式:Even Split(...
手动出价适合预算比较大的商家。 5. 跑低价的 page like 有page 的情况肯定需要跑 page like,不然很不好看。但如果跑美国 page like,可能一个 like 要上一两刀,贵到肉疼,如果不是打算使用互动受众作为warm audience 的话,可以考虑投低价国家,比如印尼、印度。国外有人专门整理过一个低成本国家的清单,中文版我...
增粉Campaign主要是两种:Promote your Page(宣传你的商户主页) 和Boost your posts(增加你的发帖曝光度),前者是直接的增粉:用户看到你的广告后直接进入广告主页、点击“like” 成为你的粉丝后算目标成功而收费;后者是通过你的某一条帖子来增粉:如果你有特别好特别能够契入当时某个热点或者特别有意思让人印象深刻的...
It will give you the freedom to select the number of pages likes you would like to have on the trending list. Instantly get your likes. Likes will not drop eventually. Is it safe to buy it for your commercial pages? Nowadays, many people have difficulty getting real page likes on their...
Facebook Fan Page URL Select Delivery Speed Monthly Drip-feedVIP Bonuses + 10% DiscountOne-Time Order If you have delivery time requirements, please email us after placing your order. By placing your order, you agree to the Boostlikesterms of service. ...
Head on over to our pricing page to assemble your first campaign. We have something for every budget, and work with all clients, big or small. Boostlikes News and Releases We're excited to announce a new service for Facebook pages, as well as Twitter and Instagram profiles: monthly drip...
53% of the candidates had an official Facebook campaign page during the elections, and 78.5% of the elected candidates had a social media campaign. Those campaigns using the candidates' private profile as their main communication channel on Facebook were not taken into account in this research....
Once you create a Facebook business page, you can add it as a marketing channel to seamlessly sell on Facebook and manage from your Shopify dashboard. Shopify allows you to launch campaign promotions, sync product catalogs, and analyze the performance of various products on Facebook. You also...
Like I mentioned before, running ads requires a page. Once you’re happy with how your Facebook group and page look, head over to Facebook’s Ads Manager. Click on the green Create Ad button in the top left. Then choose Engagement from the list of campaign objectives. Choose a name ...
Confirm the information you entered on the setup page. Fill in your payment information. Save your changes. You can now use Ads Manager to set up your campaign and track your ads. 2. Start a new campaign Within the Ads Manager, you'll have your own dashboard where you can monitor camp...