from transformersimportAutoTokenizer,AutoModelForTokenClassification,TrainingArguments,Trainer,DataCollatorForTokenClassification 2.加载数据集 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 # 如果加载失败 可以通过本地下载到磁盘然后再加载 ner_datasets=load_dataset("peoples_daily_ner",cache_dir="./data"...
数据集地址:。 发布于2018年,LAG Dataset是一个跨年龄的人脸识别数据集,它包括1010个人的3828张图片,每一个人都至少包括一组小孩/年轻,或者成人/老人的照片。 (4) iCartoonFace 数据集地址:
dataset requires 159GB of space, while the loosely cropped is split into 14 files each requiring 65GB for a total of 910GB. In order to gain statistics on age and gender, we ran the WIKI-IMDB models for age and gender detection over the loosely cropped version of the data set. We ...
为了在人脸识别中最小化年龄变化的影响,之前的工作要么通过最小化身份和年龄相关特征之间的相关性来提取与身份相关的有区分度特征,称为年龄不变人脸识别(age-invariant face recognition, AIFR),或者通过将不同年龄组的人脸转换成相同年龄组的人脸来消除年龄差异,这被称为人脸年龄合成(face age synthesis, FAS);然而...
此工作提出的Vec2Face模型首次实现了从特征向量生成图片的功能,并且向量之间的关系,如相似度,和向量包含的信息,如ID和人脸属性,在生成的图片上也会得到继承。 1. 亮点 此工作提出的Vec2Face模型首次实现了从特征向量生成图片的功能,并且向量之间的关系,如相似度,和向量包含的信息,如ID和人脸属性,在生成的图片上也...
dataset: CACD (Cross-Age Reference Coding for Age-Invariant Face Recognition and Retrieval) paper: dataset: ...
Cross-Age Celebrity Dataset (CACD)- contains 163k+ images of 2,000 celebrities. "The images are collected from search engines using celebrity name and year (2004-2013) as keywords. We can therefore estimate the ages of the celebrities on the images by simply subtract the birth year from the...
Additionally, age balance loss is used to mitigate the impact of imbalanced age distribution and enhance the accuracy of aging predictions. Moreover, we construct a dataset with balanced age distribution for the task of face age progression, referred to as Age_FR. T...
Another intriguing concept is of the Face App that performs changes in the type of age of a person by altering the faces is also built with the help of a GAN. Typically to perform these types of tasks, a Cycle GAN architecture is used, which has gained immense popularity as of late. ...