dataset: 4k face dataset hight resolution paper: Unconstrained Face Detection Dataset (UFDD) different weather paper: dataset: ...
This branch is5 commits behindX-zhangyang/Real-World-Masked-Face-Dataset:master. README 口罩遮挡人脸数据集(Real-World Masked Face Dataset,RMFD) 近期全球新型冠状病毒肆虐,疫情严重地区(如武汉)几乎人人戴口罩,具有海量样本基数。收集样本建立全球最大口罩人脸数据集,并向社会开放,为当前及今后可能的类似公共安...
Hugging Face Hub 数据集是从数据集加载脚本中加载并生成的。但是,您也可以从 Hub 上的任何数据集存储库中加载数据集!首先,创建一个数据集存储库 并上传您的数据文件。现在,您可以使用 load_dataset() 函数加载数据集。 例如,尝试通过提供存储库命名空间和数据集名称来加载此 演示存储库 中的文件。此数据集存储...
Human face Dataset(人脸数据集)数据摘要:An animated three-dimensional face showing different facial expressions, acquired using a real-time range camera. The acquisition speed is approximately 3 frames/sec. The database contains 15 expressions of the same face, represented as a textured shape. Each...
However, existing face attributes (such as expression, age, and skin color) are subject to change. The ethnicity attribute is precious due to its invariance over time, but has not been developed well. This is partly because there is no large enough dataset and labeled accurately with ethnicity... 关键特征点个数有5/15/68/98/106... 数据集 300W dataset 68个点,Indoor和Outdoor目录各300个人脸及其68个点的标注文件; 数据集下载 ...
基于逻辑事件框架的古代汉语事件检测跨历史数据集。 基于逻辑事件框架的古代汉语事件检测跨历史数据集。A_Cross-Historical_Dataset_CHED 上传者:2401_87496566时间:2024-09-29 ORL-Face-Recognition_dataset_recognition_hiddenoy6_orl_equipment ...
Wider Face内小尺度人脸特别多,SRN的主干网为:ResNet-50-FPN,可以进一步提升;ScratchDet提出了Root-ResNet,用于检测小尺度目标,但训练速度比原生态ResNet慢。 那么为了保证主干网性能好,训练速度快,Improved SRN融合了Root-ResNet+DRN的思路。 具体地,ResNet中第一个stride = 2的7 x 7 conv,丢失了很多图像的细...
CBSR,近红外,眼睛检测,人脸检测,人脸识别, CBSR,NIR,eye detection,face detection,face recognition,数据格式:IMAGE 数据详细介绍:CBSR NIR Face Dataset Topic of Interest:NIR face detection, NIR eye detection, NIR face recognition Sensor Details:The images were taken by an NIR camera with active NIR ...
全面解析Hugging Face Dataset:轻松加载数据集到LangChain引言Hugging Face Hub是一个令人惊叹的资源库,拥有超过5000个数据集,支持超过100种语言,涵盖自然语言处理(NLP)、计算机视觉和音频等广泛任务。通过本…