FaceForensics Dataset Test 置顶: 这个算法只能测视频里的脸是不是被人修改过, aka是不是假脸。这个算法不认识zzh。所以拿他以前的视频不一定有参考价值。因为你没办法确定以前的视频有没有被人剪辑/P图/滤镜过。 老兄啊,不好意思把你马赛克一下。听说你的脸会触发删帖。为了保护我的心血,只能牺牲你的脸了。
Github of the FaceForensics dataset. Contribute to mr-rithish/FaceForensics development by creating an account on GitHub.
Github of the FaceForensics dataset. Contribute to Wang-Wenqing/FaceForensics development by creating an account on GitHub.
FaceForensics++ is a forensics dataset consisting of 1000 original video sequences that have been manipulated with four automated face manipulation methods: Deepfakes, Face2Face, FaceSwap and NeuralTextures. The data has been sourced from 977 youtube vid
Added faceshifter 5年前 LICENSE Initial commit 6年前 README.md Fixed alignment on faceshifter 5年前 README MIT Star 0 Fork 0 捐赠 0 人次 简介 Github of the FaceForensics dataset 暂无标签 MIT 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者 (1) 全部 近期动态 4年多前创建了仓库深圳...
Few-shot V2V FaceForensics++数据集包含977个脸部说话视频 和 json,该数据集是一个面部伪造数据集,它使研究人员能够以有监督的方式训练基于深度学习的方法。数据集包含使用四种最新方法创建的操作,即Face2Face、FaceSwap、DeepFakes和NeuralTextures。 乌拉__--- 11枚 CC0 面部识别 91 267 2021-02-07 详情...
The resulting publicly available dataset is at least an order of magnitude larger than comparable alternatives and it enables us to train data-driven forgery detectors in a supervised fashion. We show that the use of additional domain specific knowledge improves forgery detection to an unprecedented ...
This dataset is over an order of magnitude larger than comparable, publicly available, forgery datasets. Based on this data, we performed a thorough analysis of data-driven forgery detectors. We show that the use of additional domain-specific knowledge improves forgery detection to unprecedented ...
Thanks to thesource-to-targetdataset, we can carry out a forensic analysis and train data reliant algorithms in a realistic scenario, given that the source and target videos were retrieved from YouTube. In particular, we evaluate the performance of a variety of methods on two main tasks: forg...
If you would like to download the FaceForensics++ dataset, please fill outthis google formand, once accepted, we will send you the link to our download script. If you have not received a response within a week, it is likely that your email is bouncing - please check this before sending ...