FAA advisory circular addresses instrument rating practical test standards
FAA Advisory Circular 43.13-2A GPS Antenna 安装指南说明书 GPS Antenna Installation Guidelines General Information Installations must be made by qualified personnel, and in accordance with Federal Regulations. Refer to FAA Advisory Circular 43.13-2A for General installation guidelines.A copy of the FAA...
1. PURPOSE.Thisadvisorycircular(AC)containsthespecificationforplugandreceptacle(cableconnectors)usedwithundergroundpowercables,isolationtransformerleads,andlightfixtureleadsforairportlightingsystems. 2. EFFECTIVEDATE.EffectivesixmonthsaftertheissuedateofthisAC,onlythatequipmentqualifiedperthespecificationshereinwillbelisted...
1. PURPOSE. This Advisory Circular (AC) contains guidance (test methods, acceptance criteria, and process changes) for qualifying alternative chemical agents and/or processes used in depainting or general cleaning of aviation products. Like all AC material, this AC in itself is not mandatory,...
Circular Subject:EngineeredMaterialsArrestingSystems (EMAS)forAircraftOverruns Date:9/30/2005 Initiatedby:AAS-100 ACNo:150/5220-22A Change: 1.PURPOSE.Thisadvisorycircular(AC)contains standardsfortheplanning,design,installation,and maintenanceofEngineeredMaterialsArresting Systems(EMAS)inrunwaysafetyareas(RSA)....
The new Advisory Circular extends the system found successful in achieving flight safety to air traffic control, navigational aids, and ground support equipment and systems.doi:10.1080/00224065.1974.11980648Dana E. LindenJournal of Quality Technology...
Announcement of FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 145-RSTP (Draft), Repair Station Training ProgramJames J. Ballough
Announcement of FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 120-27D, Aircraft Weight and Balance ControlJohn M. Allen
The guidance is intended to provide inspectors at the CMO/FSDO a means to interpret compliance with Advisory Circular intent.Mike Byham79th SAWE international conference on mass properties engineering 2020: Virtual Tech FairFAA Advisory Circular 21.10A, Flight Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder Under...
This report provides a description of the assumptions, methodologies and techniques employed in arriving at estimated sound levels for many of the aircraft included in FAA Advisory Circular AC-36-3B. AC 36-3B was published to provide the public and the aviation community with comparative sound ...