FAA Advisory Circular 43.13-2A GPS Antenna 安装指南说明书 GPS Antenna Installation Guidelines General Information Installations must be made by qualified personnel, and in accordance with Federal Regulations. Refer to FAA Advisory Circular 43.13-2A for General installation guidelines.A copy of the FAA...
FAA advisory circular addresses instrument rating practical test standards
1 FAA, Draft Advisory Circular 150/5200-37A, 1 (June 21, 2016) (citing the International Civil Aviation Organization, Safety Management Manual, 6.5.3 ICAO Doc. 9859-AN/4744 (3rd ed. 2013)). 2 FAA, Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Safety Management System for Certificated Airports...
Exports one or more FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-18B compliant shapefiles from a geodatabase that contains the ArcGIS Aviation Airports schema. Verwendung The input workspace must contain the 18B data model. Export shapefiles will contain the schema defined in Appendix D of AC 150/5300-18B....
正常来讲,FAA颁布的文件一般有Policy、AC(Advisory Circular)、AD(Airworthiness Directive)、TFR(Temporary Flight Restriction)、Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs)、NPRM、Notice、Order。 Policy: 一般作为AC、法规、Order的解释性、补充性文件,是指导用户如何符合法规的指南和可接受的程序。Policy不要求强制执行,一般是以...
1. PURPOSE. This Advisory Circular (AC) contains guidance (test methods, acceptance criteria, and process changes) for qualifying alternative chemical agents and/or processes used in depainting or general cleaning of aviation products. Like all AC material, this AC in itself is not mandatory,...
民航咨询通告 (Advisory Circular,简称AC) ,是民航局各职能部门下发布的对民用航空规章条文所作的具体阐述,其主要作用在于对法律法规进行解释或者补充说明技术规范.本翻译实践报告中的英文文本节选自美国联邦航空管理局 2011 年发布的咨询通告AC 20-66B.该咨询通告对飞机螺旋桨振动疲劳的标准,试验过程和评估等进行了认定...
originals and traceable to the initiators.3. An original signed and detailed statement from the owner or operator of a US registered aircraft substantiating the need for the A&P certificate. The employer must also list the specific type of maintenance performed, and duration of employment.Please ...
Output shapefile attribute names conform to the requirements specified in Advisory Circular 150/5300-18B. Use this tool to create safety critical data for submission to the FAA Airport Surveying - Geographic Information System (GIS) Program. This program establishes standards for surveying and ...
Circular Subject:EngineeredMaterialsArrestingSystems (EMAS)forAircraftOverruns Date:9/30/2005 Initiatedby:AAS-100 ACNo:150/5220-22A Change: 1.PURPOSE.Thisadvisorycircular(AC)contains standardsfortheplanning,design,installation,and maintenanceofEngineeredMaterialsArresting Systems(EMAS)inrunwaysafetyareas(RSA)....