FAA advisory circular addresses instrument rating practical test standards
GPS Antenna Installation Guidelines General Information Installations must be made by qualified personnel, and in accordance with Federal Regulations. Refer to FAA Advisory Circular 43.13-2A for General installation guidelines.A copy of the FAA Advisory Circular can be obtained at www.faa.gov. Look ...
1. PURPOSE.Thisadvisorycircular(AC)containsthespecificationforplugandreceptacle(cableconnectors)usedwithundergroundpowercables,isolationtransformerleads,andlightfixtureleadsforairportlightingsystems. 2. EFFECTIVEDATE.EffectivesixmonthsaftertheissuedateofthisAC,onlythatequipmentqualifiedperthespecificationshereinwillbelisted...
Advisory Circular Subject:EngineeredMaterialsArrestingSystems (EMAS)forAircraftOverruns Date:9/30/2005 Initiatedby:AAS-100 ACNo:150/5220-22A Change: 1.PURPOSE.Thisadvisorycircular(AC)contains standardsfortheplanning,design,installation,and maintenanceofEngineeredMaterialsArresting Systems(EMAS)inrunwaysafetyareas...
1. PURPOSE. This Advisory Circular (AC) contains guidance (test methods, acceptance criteria, and process changes) for qualifying alternative chemical agents and/or processes used in depainting or general cleaning of aviation products. Like all AC material, this AC in itself is not mandatory,...
The new Advisory Circular extends the system found successful in achieving flight safety to air traffic control, navigational aids, and ground support equipment and systems.doi:10.1080/00224065.1974.11980648Dana E. LindenJournal of Quality Technology...
Announcement of FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 145-RSTP (Draft), Repair Station Training ProgramJames J. Ballough
Announcement of FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 120-27D, Aircraft Weight and Balance ControlJohn M. Allen
The guidance is intended to provide inspectors at the CMO/FSDO a means to interpret compliance with Advisory Circular intent.Mike Byham79th SAWE international conference on mass properties engineering 2020: Virtual Tech FairFAA Advisory Circular 21.10A, Flight Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder Under...
Commercial aircraftThis report provides a description of the assumptions, methodologies and techniques employed in arriving at estimated sound levels for many of the aircraft included in FAA Advisory Circular AC-36-3B. AC 36-3B was published to provide the public and the aviation community with ...