这份文件是对2022年9月21日发布的《工程简报105号》的修订,旨在为垂直起降机场(Vertiports)的设计提供更详细的指导。 基础设施分类 🏢 首先,这份简报明确了垂直起降机场的分类。它被视为《咨询通告150/5390-2D:直升机场设计》(Advisory Circular 150/5390-2D, Heliport Design)的补充指导。垂直起降机场(Vertiports)...
Date:8/2/00ACNo.: 25-24 Initiatedby:ANM-100Change ___ 1.PURPOSE.Thisadvisorycircular(AC)setsforthanacceptablemeans,butnottheonly means,ofdemonstratingcompliancewiththeprovisionsof14CFRpart25relatedtotheaircraft designforsustainedenginerotorimbalanceconditions.TermsusedinthisAC,suchas“shall” or“must...
The CFR, AIM, this handbook, AC 00-2.15, Advisory Circular Checklist, which transmits the current status of FAA advisory circulars, and other FAA technical references are available via the internet at the FAA Home Page . Information regarding the purchase of FAA subscription aeronautical navigation...
61、cation Identifiers7400.2, Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters7610.4, Special Military Operations7900.5, Surface Weather Observing - METAR7930.2, Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs)Advisory CircularsAC 00-6, Aviation WeatherAC 00-45, Aviation Weather Services FAA-H-8083-15 Instrument Flying HandbookFAA...
内容提示: Advisory Circular Subject: FLIGHTDECK INTRUSION RESISTANCE Date: 10/24/08 Initiated By: ANM-100 AC No: 25.795-1A 1. PURPOSE. This advisory circular (AC) sets forth an acceptable means, but not the only means, of demonstrating compliance with the provisions of the airworthiness ...
Great references to have on hand include FAAJoint Order (JO) 7200.23B,Processing of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Requests,Advisory Circular (AC) 91-63D,Temporary Flight Restrictions and Flight Limitationsand for public aircraft operators (including those working with contractors)AC 00-1.1B,Public Aircraft...
u.s. department of transportation federal aviation administration advisory circular subject: specification for constant current regulators and regulator monitors date: 6/24/05 initiated by: aas-100 ac no: 150/5345-10f change: 1. purpose. this advisory circular (ac) contains a specification for cons...
When equipment capabilities and controller workload permit, certain advisory/assistance services may be provided to VFR aircraft. There are 20 ARTCCs in the continental U.S. ASDE Airport Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE) - That white dome spinning at the top of most control towers in the US...
item Governance mechanisms into which water-related issues are integrated Please explain Row Scheduled - 1 some meetings Monitoring The Board is advised on matters of safety, health implementation and and environment (SHE) by the Safety, Health and performance Environment Advisory Committee (SHEAC). ...