Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) are genomic loci that explain all or a fraction of variation in expression levels of mRNAs. 基因组位点,解释了基因表达的变化。 A quantitative trait locus (QTL) is a section of DNA (the locus) which correlates with variation in a phenotype (the quantit...
The gene expression levels (i.e. mRNA transcript abundance) are treated as quantitative traits potentially affected by multiple genes and other factors. Traditional methods for detecting quantitative trait loci (QTLs) could be utilized to detect chromosomal regions affecting expression levels; these ...
A quantitative trait locus (QTL) is a section of DNA (the locus)which correlates with variation in a phenotype (the quantitative trait). 身高,连续性状的控制位点。 QTL是数量性状位点,比如身高是一个数量性状,其对应的控制基因的位点就是一个数量性状位点,而eQTL就是控制数量性状表达位点,即能控制数量性...
Anexpression quantitative trait locus(eQTL) is a basic statistic used in the combined analysis ofGWASdata and whole-genome transcriptional results, and can be applied to identify the gene number in trait-associated areas of the genome.19PrediXcan is a commonly used statistical method that can integ...
An expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) is a chromosomal region where genetic variants are associated with the expression levels of specific genes that can be both nearby or distant. From:Journal of Genetics and Genomics,2023 About this page ...
Identification of therapeutic targets from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) requires insights into downstream functional consequences. We harmonized 8,613 RNA-sequencing samples from 14 brain datasets to create the MetaBrain resource and performedcis- andtrans-expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL...
(i.e., cell type only loci). In panelB, we show the number of novel loci identified in each cell type by cell type level TWAS. We consider a locus as novel if the sentinel variant is greater than 1 million basepair away from reported hits of the same trait in GWAS catalog. We ...
Expression Quantitative Trait Locus FDR: False Discovery Rate GDC: Genomics Data Commons GO: Gene Ontology GTEx: Genotype-tissue Expression project H&E: Hematoxylin and Eosin staining HRC: Haplotype Reference Consortium HWE: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium HRC: Haplotype Reference Consortium LCL...
To address this gap in knowledge, we performed an unbiased genome-wide expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) mapping study to identify common regulatory (expression) single nucleotide polymorphisms (eSNPs) in mid-secretory endometrium. We identified 423 cis-eQTLs for 132 genes that were ...
Expression quantitative trait locus analysis has emerged as an important component of efforts to understand how genetic polymorphisms influence disease risk and is poised to make contributions to translational medicine. Here we review how expression quantitative trait locus analysis is aiding the identificati...