Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyB.Keith Payne,,Melissa A Burkley,Mark B Stokes.Why do implicit and explicit attitude tests diverge? The role of structural fit. Journal of Personality . 2008Payne, B. Keith, Melissa A. Burkley, and Mark B. Stokes (2008), ―Wh...
implicitandexplicitattitude 系统标签: implicitexplicitattitudedeceptiondepaulodeceptive Implicitandexplicitattitudedissociationinspontaneousdeceptivebehavior KyuHeeJung,Jang-HanLee * DepartmentofPsychology,Chung-AngUniversity,221Heukseok-dong,Dongjak-gu,Seoul,RepublicofKorea articleinfo Articlehistory: Received24October...
According to Chaiken and Trope's (1999) dual process MODE model, the execution of control over a prejudiced attitude depends on the motivation and opportunity to control or determine the attitude-to-behavior process. For example, when a teacher fills in a teacher expectation questionnaire stating ...
Recent research supports that a person’s self-reported explicit attitude is not necessarily consistent with their implicit attitude. However
(2017). Generalization effects in evaluative conditioning: Evidence for attitude transfer effects from single exemplars to social categories. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. (Open in a new window)PubMed (Open in a new window)Web of Science ®(Open in a...
After participants attended either the educational session or the Photovoice exhibition, their level of explicit prejudice was measured using the Attitudes Toward Disabled Persons Scale (ATDP) while their level of implicit prejudice was measured using the Implicit Attitude Test (IAT). It was predicted ...
ACross--culturalPerspectiveofImplicitandExplicitGenderAttitudesofPolish andEgyptianWomen AnnaChybicka UniversityofGdafisk MamdouhCamel’ SouthValleyUniversity AleksandraFila~Jankowska” SocialSchoolofAdvancedPsychology,Poland Abstract:TwoseriesofexperimentswereconductedonPolishandEgyptianwomen.Thediferencesin implicitande...
Third and finally, from a methodological point of view, we develop and validate the Shortened Pictorial Attitude Implicit Association Test (SPA-IAT), an innovative measure for implicit power motives. The SPA-IAT is an easy-to-use and reliable alternative to the time-consuming and/or subjective ...