Attitudes generally are categorized into one of two levels: explicit attitudes and implicit attitudes. Learn the definition, examples, advantages, and disadvantages of both levels, and discover how to measure each of the two kinds of attitudes. Updated: 06/25/2023 ...
(2007). Implicit and explicit attitudes respond differently to increasing amounts of counterattitudinal information. European Journal of Social Psychology, 37(5), 867-878.Rydell, R. J., McConnell, A. R., Strain, L. M., Claypool, H. M., & Hugenberg, K. (2007). Implicit and explicit ...
(2009). Changing explicit and implicit attitudes: The case of self-esteem. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45(2), 327-335.Grumm, M., Nestler, S., & Von Collani, G. (2009). Changing explicit and implicit attitudes: The case of self-esteem. Journal of Experimental Social ...
,aswellastheirexplicitattitudes aboutdeceptionandtheirpersonalitiesusingself-reportquestionnaires.Therewasnodifference betweenthetwogroupsinexplicitattitudeorpersonality;however,thegroupwhocheatedontheracing taskshowedtheirimplicitpreferencefordeceptionmorethanthatofthegroupwhoactedhonestlyas measuredbytheDeception-IAT. Ó...
The supplementary use of implicit attitudes is consistent with current theorizing highlighting that deeply held and sometimes even unconscious evaluations influence media choice. Using a web-based study, we found that implicit and explicit attitudes toward television brands predicted choice. Each attitude ...
Attitudes toward female authority and their relationship to gender beliefs were examined using implicit and explicit measures of each. Implicit attitudes covaried with implicit gender authority beliefs (i.e., linking men to high-authority and women to low-authority roles). Explicit attitudes covaried...
implicit / explicit . 3 not attempted Select the correct version: A piece of advice always contains an implicit / explicit threat. 4 not attempted Select the correct version: As subtle as explicit / implicit attitudes are, they can cause serious real-world damage. ...
The present study explored the presence of complaint-specific implicit associations in the domain of spider fear. Participants' implicit negative associations with spider cues were measured in highly fearful (n = 18) and explicitly nonfearful individuals (n = 19). To increase the reliability of the...
Based on confirmatory factor analysis, both studies showed that explicit attitudes were more related to implicit attitudes in an affective focus than in a cognitive focus. We suggest that, although explicit evaluations can be meaningfully parsed into affective and cognitive components, implicit ...
1.The Moderator Effect of Attitude Stren gth on the Relationship Between Implicit Attitude and Explicit Attitude;态度强度对内隐—外显态度关系的调节作用研究 2.A Research on the Consistency of Implicit Attitudes with Explicit Attitudes and Its Prediction of Consumer Behavior内隐和外显态度预测消费者行为...