The breadth and depth of the work is impressive and provides an excellent example of translational research (or "full cycle psychology"; see Mortensen & Cialdini, 2010) that synthesizes basic and applied research, with each contributing important insights on the phenomenon. Nonetheless, research in...
Because implicit theories are attitudes towards human attributes, their relationship to other well-established attitude constructs needs to be investigated. It could be argued, for instance, that a strong belief in the stability of human attributes reflects a general tendency towards conservatism, which...
Attitudes carry a huge weight in social psychology. In the past, the theory of attitudes was considered the most dominant study in social psychology (Allport, 1935). Throughout time, the term attitude has accumulated many definitions, a renowned definition being “a relatively enduring organisation...
implicitandexplicitattitude 系统标签: implicitexplicitattitudedeceptiondepaulodeceptive Implicitandexplicitattitudedissociationinspontaneousdeceptivebehavior KyuHeeJung,Jang-HanLee * DepartmentofPsychology,Chung-AngUniversity,221Heukseok-dong,Dongjak-gu,Seoul,RepublicofKorea articleinfo Articlehistory: Received24October...
According to Chaiken and Trope's (1999) dual process MODE model, the execution of control over a prejudiced attitude depends on the motivation and opportunity to control or determine the attitude-to-behavior process. For example, when a teacher fills in a teacher expectation questionnaire stating ...
Thus, the references do not provide compelling evidence for dual-attitude models of depression. Conclusion Social psychology have abused the scientific method for decades. Over the past decade, criticism of their practices has become louder, but many social psychologists ignore this criticism and ...
implicitandexplicitattitudesdivergearound age10. Howearlyindevelopmentareimplicitattitudestowardsocial groupsformed?Whatisthedevelopmentalpatternoftherela- tionshipbetweensuchattitudesandthosethatareconsciously expressed?Whendoesthedissociationbetweenthetwoob- servedinadultsemergeinyoungchildren?Inthisarticle,we reportthe...
Overall, the larger the RS-IAT effect (or the SE-IAT effect), the stronger the implicit attitude a participant has in associating the self with religious–spiritual dimensions (or with a high SE). The two IATs were administered during application of dual-pulse TMS over IPL or DLPFC and ...
This suggests that participants’ ability to simulate and predict the actions of high-status individuals was somehow impervious to their attitude towards him. Results from the Start Delay index suggest that participants started their movements later with respect to the confederate in the Interactive but...
Mere acceptance produces apparent attitude in the Implicit Association Test Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2004) A.M. Czopp et al. Implicit attitudes as potential protection from risky sex: Predicting condom use with the IAT Basic & Applied Social Psychology (2004) A.G. Greenwald et ...