What is an example of the common-ion effect? Which type of ion channel opens when a chemical binds to it? A positively charged hydrogen ion is made up of what? The chemical charge on an oxygen ion is -2. This means that the oxygen atom: a. ha...
What is a transition element? Give an explanation and an example. What do you think causes the difference between the elements on the top of the periodic table, like carbon, with those on the bottom, like tin or lead? Why are Group 7A (17) elements found in many compounds but ...
The same happens in an electric car when it goes around a corner, and that rules out any kind of simple transmission (for example, a single electric motor driving the two back wheels from a common axle). One solution is to have a front-located electric motor driving the same kind of ...
When you connect a battery's two electrodes into a circuit (for example, when you put one in a flashlight), the electrolyte starts buzzing with activity. Slowly, the chemicals inside it are converted into other substances.Ions(atoms with too few or too many electrons) are formed from the m...
For certain biotic resources, the regeneration rate slows down at low resource density, an effect referred to as depensation27,33,34,35. Examples include recruitment limitation in overharvested fish populations36, and increased susceptibility to erosion of soils with reduced tree cover37,38. Owing...
In everyday life, candle flames containing soot particulates are a common example of a dust-forming plasma3–6. In the laboratory, dust-forming plasmas are being studied as sources of nanoparticles with many uses in medicine, electronics, and solar cells7–10. Dust is created in plasmas when...
Campbell, BJ, Oxley, C, Singh, R, Yu, L-G, Rhodes, JM (2000) TNF-alpha decreases the sulphation of mucins and CD44 in human colonic epithelial cells: An effect which may explain the low mucosal sulphation seen in inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology 118: pp. A3836...
"Unable to process the request due to an internal error" After AD Upgrade "WITH" Keyword In Powershell? “The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of this object” (Beginner) Powershell - getting machine names from a text file and run queries, functions and conditions (Except...
Explain why the copper element has two ion charges. Describe how the properties of the different types of elements (metals, nonmetals, metalloids) differ. Explain how doping can increase the conductivity of a semiconductor. Explain why +2 is the most common oxidation state for th...
Table salt - sodium chloride, one of the most common substances occurring in nature - is best classified as what? Explain the important points regarding the molecule of 'Benzene'. Is NaCl more soluble in water or kerosene? Explain. What effect would sodium chloride have on the freezing point...