Explain the common ion effect. Explain the relationship between K_a for an acid and K_b for its conjugate base. Are phenols acidic or basic? Explain. Explain why when a strong acid is added to a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base, the pH changes only slowly. Also, explain...
How does the common-ion effect influence solubility equilibria? What is the difference between the solubility and a solubility curve? What is the ion common effect? Can these effect affect the solubility of a solution? How is the solubility of KNO3 affected by an increase in the temperature o...
community14. It it therefore timely to provide novel and quantitative tests of the potential metabolisms of a hypothetical aerial biosphere to better understand the requirements and limits of life in the clouds, if it exists. Given that the terrestrial biosphere has had an inexorable effect on the...
which he believed was made by the frog releasing its "animal electricity." In fact, as his countrymanAlessandro Voltasoon realized, the important thing was that Galvani had used twodifferentmetals. In effect, the frog's body was working as the electrolyte of a...
In the fourth Results section, we show how inclusion of depensation in the extended model leads to counter-intuitive observations regarding the impact of system interventions, and the substantial time lags that may occur between interventions and their effect on social-ecological outcomes. Finally, ...
. So QFT is a mathematical theory that attempts to describes a field (similar to electromagnetic field) that is underlying the particles, the excitations in this field are thought to give rise to the particle, I believe this is why the term 'abstraction' is used.WamSam(talk) 10:08, 19 ...
Nicol C, Kuitunen S, Kyrolainen H, et al. Effects of long- and short-term fatiguing stretch-shortening cycle exercises on reflex EMG and force of the tendon-muscle complex. Eur J Appl Physiol 2003; 90: 470–9 Lucia A, San Juan AF, Montilla M, et al. In professional road cyclists...
the dial, Megan's memories of Santa's entry methods are altered, and so whatever position the dial now rests at would seem normal to her. (This could mean that history has no effect outside the universe, so the single dial controls past, present, and future Santa methods. Perhaps the ...
Discuss the common ion effect by comparing the solubility of C a C O 3 in 3.0 10 2 ml of water and in the presence of 0.015 moles of C a ( N O 3 ) 2 . Is SO2, a polar gas, soluble or insoluble in water? Explain.
Solubility is the ability of a given amount of solute to dissolve in a given amount of solvent. The extent of solubility is usually measured as the concentration of the solution. Several factors affect the solubility of a solute, such as temperature and presence of common ion in the solution...