If you must use the industry-specific definition, define the word in context. Writing tip Sometimes industry-specific usage, such as hacker, becomes part of everyday speech. Know your customer and the language they use. When in doubt, use a simple word with a well-understood meaning. Don’...
In this unit, you'll find out about some common traps that others have fallen into during the post-incident review process and how to avoid them.Trap 1: Attribution to "human error"You might recall that "pilot error" (also known as "human error") was the conclusion the initial ...
If you are wondering how consequential an error can be, then get this:A simple error in targeting, arranging, selecting questions, or even how you frame questions can irrevocably damage your feedback data quality and, resultantly, your analysis. For example, a simple error in framing a questio...
https://github.com/anvaka/simplesvg - very simple wrapper on top of SVG DOM elements, providing easy manipulation. https://github.com/anvaka/panzoom - a library that allows Google-maps-like panning and zooming of an SVG scene. Why word clouds? Word clouds in general are considered bad for...
The fastest way to receive a refund isto e-filea correct return and request a direct deposit of the refunded amount. This is one area, Holland says, where you should triple-check your data entry. "A simple mistake in the routing or account number can delay a refund for weeks or...
Let’s start with the king of literary terms and metaphors: 9. All the world’s a stage / And all the men and women merely players / They have their exits and their entrances / And one man in his time plays many parts / His act being seven ages. ...
The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) prevents wealthy taxpayers from using loopholes to avoid paying taxes. Due to inflation adjustments, more middle-class taxpayers find themselves impacted by the AMT. Learn how the AMT works, the impact it can have on you
In terms of color matching, gradient colors are good-looking and simple color matching. Don’t use garbled and non-realistic color matching in the visualization, which will divert the reader’s attention to the data. As an easy-to-use visualization tool, FineReport perfectly avoids many ...
Level 3 enterprise high data protection: We recommend this configuration in the following scenarios: Organizations with larger or more sophisticated security teams. Devices used by specific users or groups who are at uniquely high risk. For example, users who handle highly sensitive data where unautho...
The activity of urease was inhibited by the presence of Cu+2 ion, which resulted in another reorientation of LCs from homeotropic-to planar where a dark to the bright transition of LCs was observed. In another report, Yang et al.; developed LCs based sensor for the detection of Hg+2 ...