Different structures can be responsible for knee pain –for example, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, menisci, etc. You can feel the pain on the front, back, inside, outside, or all over the knee. Persistent complaints, in particular, often have similar causes. Tension changes in the...
At age 65, I've taken up piano to fill up lock down time. It's shocking how sore my hands, thumbs, wrists, forearms, & elbows get -- all tendons / joints. But that's age for ya. I've had enough tendon injuries to know how deal with the soreness. My kettle bell trainer alway...
I’ve learned that understanding the CAUSE of injuries and painful conditions can help heal and prevent them.For example, most people don’t realize that they’re doing certain things every day that put stress and tension on certain muscles, tendons, tissues and joints, and over time, this ...
Passive recovery has its benefits, but when it comes to keeping you on top of your competitive game, just sitting around to wait until your muscles recover is not the best option. Instead, if muscles are overly sore or too painful to move during the post recovery period, apply cold therapy...
Truth is, there are many factors that contribute to the term “flexibility” (speaking now from a more anatomical standpoint) including your joint capsule, ligaments, muscles, tendons, neural tissue, fascia and the interactions these all have between one another. It’s important to care about th...
Rotation is also a great exercise for your shoulder tendonitis and here is a helpful exercise for your problem: You attach a band on your hand. Grasp an end of the band and place your arm on the scapular plane. Now you abduct your arm about 45 degrees and keep the elbow flex about 90...