xml. Probably the SDK is read-only Exception while marshalling C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.4.36f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\platforms\android-29\package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only Exception while marshalling C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.4.36f1\Edi...
Let me show you what an icall native impl looks like. void SCRIPT_CALL_CONVENTION someIcall(ICallType_ReadOnlyUnityEngineObject_Argument obj, ICallType_String_Argument name) { MonoException* exception = NULL; { // .. do some stack checking stuff Marshalling::Marshal(&obj_marshalled, &obj,...
I ruled out inappropriate calling (incorrect marshalling …) of the dll methods as it has been working fine with .Net 1.1 for years and thus should work fine in .Net 2.0 as well. I’ve seen some posts suggesting that it could be the GC, but then again why would it only happen on ...