我们看一下这个工具的应用界面,如下图: 在B列中我们利用自定义函数NZNumToLetter(),输出的结果: 二根据字母给出列的数值 我们看一下这个工具的应用界面,如下图: 点击后代码会运行,程序中我给出的是”AG”列,要求求出这列的列数值,结果如下: Ø代码见程序文件:VBA_ConvertColumn...
点击后代码会运行,程序中我给出的是”AG”列,要求求出这列的列数值,结果如下: 代码见程序文件:VBA_ConvertColumnNumberToLetter.xlsm
II. Excel VBA – To convert Column Number to Letter or Alphabet III. Excel Formula to Get Column Letter from Number Get vba code & Excel formula to get Column letter from column number, in here. For example, If you pass ‘1’ to the function in this code, it will return as “A...
return ColumnNumberToLetter } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. vba版本: Function ColumnLetter(ColumnNumber As Long) As String Dim n As Long Dim c As Byte Dim s As String n = ColumnNumber Do c = ((n - 1) Mod 26) s = Chr(c +...
Col_Letter_To_Number = cNum End Function In Excel sheet, type ‘=Col_Letter_To_Number(“AA”)’ & press Enter key. The function will return 27 as its column number. Same way, this function can also be used in any vba macro function....
The following VBA function is just one way to convert column number values into their equivalent alphabetical characters:vb Kopiraj Function ConvertToLetter(iCol As Long) As String Dim a As Long Dim b As Long a = iCol ConvertToLetter = "" Do While iCol > 0 a = Int((iCol - 1) / ...
I don't want to add any new column and for instance, use Text() function in excel as this range is same in different files I have to concatenate and link. I am just wondering if it is possible to do that in place with a VBA code or not. I tried: selection=selection.text ...
Excel to Text File Excel Toolbar Column 1. 选择整列 Sub SelectEntireColumn() Selection.EntireColumn.Select End Sub 2. 将指定的列序号转换为列名 Function GetColumnRef(columnIndex As Integer) As String Dim firstLetter As String Dim secondLetter As String ...
Excel to Text File Excel Toolbar Column 1. 选择整列 SubSelectEntireColumn() Selection.EntireColumn.Select End Sub 2. 将指定的列序号转换为列名 FunctionGetColumnRef(columnIndexAsInteger)AsString DimfirstLetterAsString DimsecondLetterAsString DimremainderAsInteger ...
1 How do I find a value in a row and return the column number with VBA? 0 Retrieve a column number from a range 5 Find a value from a column and quickly return the row number of its cell 7 Get column name from column number? 0 Getting value of specific column for each row ...