点击后代码会运行,程序中我给出的是”AG”列,要求求出这列的列数值,结果如下: 代码见程序文件:VBA_ConvertColumnNumberToLetter.xlsm
return ColumnNumberToLetter } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. vba版本: Function ColumnLetter(ColumnNumber As Long) As String Dim n As Long Dim c As Byte Dim s As String n = ColumnNumber Do c = ((n - 1) Mod 26) s = Chr(c +...
以下VBA 函数只是将列号值转换为其等效字母字符的一种方式: VB复制 FunctionConvertToLetter(iColAsLong)AsStringDimaAsLongDimbAsLonga = iCol ConvertToLetter =""DoWhileiCol >0a = Int((iCol -1) /26) b = (iCol -1)Mod26ConvertToLetter = Chr(b +65) & ConvertToLetter iCol = aLoopEndFunction...
Use this vba code. Function Col_Letter_To_Number(ColumnLetter As String) As Double Dim cNum As Double 'Get Column Number from Alphabet cNum = Range(ColumnLetter & "1").Column 'Return Column Number Col_Letter_To_Number = cNum End Function In Excel sheet, type ‘=Col_Letter_To_Number(...
Also called GetColumnName, ColumnNumberToLetter ColumnNumberToNa,e Question I would like to hide a row if certain values are entered in three cells. For e.g. if United Kingdom is selected in Cell C3 and C5 and CI is selected from cell C10, I would then have Row 16 hidden. I would ...
Excel to XML Excel ADO Excel to Text File Excel Toolbar Column 1. 选择整列 Sub SelectEntireColumn() Selection.EntireColumn.Select End Sub 2. 将指定的列序号转换为列名 Function GetColumnRef(columnIndex As Integer) As String Dim firstLetter As String ...
II. Excel VBA – To convert Column Number to Letter or Alphabet III. Excel Formula to Get Column Letter from Number Get vba code & Excel formula to get Column letter from column number, in here. For example, If you pass ‘1’ to the function in this code, it will return as “A...
Excel to Text File Excel Toolbar Column 1. 选择整列 SubSelectEntireColumn() Selection.EntireColumn.Select End Sub 2. 将指定的列序号转换为列名 FunctionGetColumnRef(columnIndexAsInteger)AsString DimfirstLetterAsString DimsecondLetterAsString DimremainderAsInteger ...
Step 1:Open your Excel workbook and find the sheet with the column you want to rename. Step 2:Click on the column letter to select the entire column. select column Step 3:You must now delete the Column Name delete column name Step 4:Type the new name and hit the Enter key. ...
Function ConvertColumnNumberToLetter(colNum)‘Getting the address of the first row and the colNum column number colAdr = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, colNum).Address With Application.WorksheetFunction colLetter = .Find(“$”, colAdr, 2) ‘Finding the second $-sign in the address Convert...