Jesus told His followers that if they had faith “the size of a mustard seed” they could move mountains. He also told them that, with enough faith and belief, they could do all the things that He had done, and even greater things. Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash We cannot ev...
It is the same withyour belief systemexcept that we dont just believe anything and everything but webelieve in the name of our Lord Jesus who died, arose triumphantly through and is seated with the father in Heaven speaking for you and me daily! Ask yourself these questions: In which deity...
(Name of the condition), you are from the curse. BUT God’s Word says I am redeemed from the curse because Jesus became cursed on my behalf. I praise God that I am now and forever redeemed from this condition! No matter how long you’ve dealt with it, the condition must bow to th...
在youversion的整年读经计划中,有一个叫Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional的读经项目,是一个名叫Joyce Meyer的出名事工所发布的项目,她之前在生活中经历到了神,神也大大的使用她因此影响了很多人的生命。这个读经计划的重点比较侧重于在生活中应用圣经中所教导的原则,并根据每天的主题进行祷告。
JESUS in the EVERYDAYmonthly membershipis a way to keep God at the center of your life. With bad news bombarding us on all sides, this is a place where you can focus on seeing JESUS in simple day-to-day moments. These daily bursts of inspiration and encouragement, 365 days a year, ...
Welcome! Explore Christian devotionals, stories, and resources for real mommas, living real life, with the very real Jesus. Resources Just For You Leaving Your Mom Legacy Devotional Your life is worthy of a legacy that points to Jesus. There are some days when you’re life seems anything bu...
I am Susan Simon, a lover of Jesus, Harold, David, Cullen, Russell, Jesse, Philip, friends, animals, reading, and writing! This represents my first attempt at blogging and I am excited about sharing some of my insights on Scripture, personal devotional time, everyday life situations, storie...
She moved on. She gained her heavenly reward. She went to be with Jesus. It happened early in the afternoon of Christmas day. (“It happened”…still avoiding the word.) We’re two hours ahead of my family on the West Coast, so we were done unwrapping gifts, done snacking (temporarily...
Need an Advent Devotional for Busy Women? Re-Advent Your Life Are the hectic holidays derailing your devo time with God? If so, we’d love to have you join us in our new digital Advent study called Re-Advent Your Life. We know you’re busy, so we’ve designed it to take only 15...
May we uplift and celebrate the hope, love, and salvation that is found in Jesus Christ! Reflection Question: What gifts of Christ will you celebrate this season? Merciful Moments Devotional Journal is a wonderful gift to give to someone who is looking for encouragement for the New Year! Avai...