DEVOTIONS Browse the Daily Devotions archive, which has several months’ worth of devotions to uplift and encourage you with the Word. You can also subscribe to the Daily Devotions to have them delivered right to your inbox. Recent devotions ...
they often tell people to repentandbelieve. Often they say something like, “Turn from your sins and turn to Jesus Christ.” One pastor holding this view writes “No message that eliminates
Daily Devotionals Some Random Thoughts January 8, 2025Leave a comment I’ve been reading in the Old Testament book of Isaiah lately, and have come across some thoughts about that book that might be helpful. Many people skip reading the Old Testament prophetic books as they feel they are irre...
Daily Devotions for People Who Hate Daily Devotions Let's face it. A lot of Christian resources can feel cheesy, out-of-touch, and a little boring. But when Skye Jethani started doodling and writing up some of his thoughts about God, his Twitter and email list blew up.What If Jesus Wa...
These early versions featured religious images and were often created by churches or individuals as a way to engage in daily devotions during Advent. The first printed Advent calendar is believed to have been produced in 1903. 20th Century Commercialization: In the mid-20th century, Advent ...
We have the light of life. A life illuminated by Jesus’ death and resurrection. A life lit up with hope in God’s loving promises. A life shining with perfect peace and joy in heaven. DEVOTIONS Browse the Daily Devotions archive, which has several months’ worth of devotions to uplift ...
A Passion for Purpose: 365 Daily Devotions for Missional Living "This delightful, challenging, insightful devotional will renew your passion to meet with God each day " Dr. Richard Blackaby, coauthor of Experiencing GodLet God?'s Love Blossom Through You As a woman who wants to be on missi...
the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know vict...
Pray This Daily Novena Calendar January Novenas February Novenas March Novenas April Novenas May Novenas June Novenas July Novenas August Novenas September Novenas October Novenas November Novenas December Novenas Monthly Devotions January is Dedicated to The Holy Name of Jesus February is Dedicate...
Dr. Demarest talked excitedly about how the seasons of the Church Year could enrich the worship of a church as well as one’s private devotions. I had never heard anything like this. I was intrigued, but didn’t do much with what I learned at that time. I was serving on the staff ...