Jesus told His followers that if they had faith “the size of a mustard seed” they could move mountains. He also told them that, with enough faith and belief, they could do all the things that He had done, and even greater things. Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash We cannot ev...
Jesus Lovin' Mom Boss - 0 Comments Previous Posts Meet Kristina! Welcome to Messy Tired Love! The devotionals you'll find here aim to connect your everyday mom moments to the truth of the gospel. I hold nothing back as I share my story that's filled with lots of messy, tired, but ...
I’m so excited to announce my new book, Seeds, Weeds, and Soul Soil. Weaving in Scriptures about farming, planting, and growing alongside real stories of homestead life, this devotional book will help you grow a little closer to Jesus.Get it on Amazon now! It was an exceptionally good ...