Levantine Missions emp_pap_levantine_missions Mission To China emp_pap_mission_to_china Catholic Confraternity emp_pap_catholic_alliances Support The Orders emp_pap_support_the_knightly_orders Eastern Alliances emp_pap_eastern_alliances Prester John emp_pap_prester_john Pontifical Universities emp_pap_...
United States Yuan Zimbabwe Exceptions to the Rule There are actually seven formables that ignore this rule for endgame tags: Aksum can be formed by Ethiopia via their missions. The Mongol Empire can be formed by Yuan. The Holy Roman Empire can be unified by becoming its Emperor and passing...
I love the changes to the map and can't wait to hear more about the missions! Can you give me an idea when the DLC or patch will come out? You caught us We're hoping to release by end of year. Mingmung said: This map really needs some geography 1.01. Urach beneath Wurrtem...
Prussian Missions now check that they don't target their own vassals. Moving Capital to St Petersburg now no longer always makes the province Muscovite. There should no longer be any risk of getting a regency council from the Scheming bureaucracy event. Fixed bug that game could automatically ...
Will no longer swap mission trees when forming an Indian nation without unique missions except for Punjab players cannot anymore create infinite-points custom nations exploiting the play button enabled while confirmation modal is visible Fix OOS caused by not updating religious school modifiers ...
Reduced amount of states from government and technology dramatically. RNW should no longer generate areas with more than 5 provinces. Having done unconditional surrender now impacts autonomy, war exhaustion and institution spread like you are at peace. ...