Expansion-related features will also be detailed with its icon next to the text.Major countries will have specialised startup text for them to set the scene of the nation you are playing. This can also be disabled/enabled from the options menu if you want to jump in blind or already know...
The old bonuses to having a merchant present inland and steering towards inland are gone, and have been replaced with bonuses to Caravan Power. This means that a dozen one-province countries with five merchants each can no longer drain away most of the value of Ragusa simply through their ...
First of all, removing the cost means that we can simulate the abilities of poorer or smaller countries being able to do things on the same scale as others. So a vast Portuguese colonial empire is more likely to happen. This was difficult to make possible in the old model - unless you ...
- Fixed issue with the mission for Coptic countries to conquer Alexandria that would make it instantly complete.- Fixed estimation of relative strength of alliances (Fixes Demand Unlawful Territory, Threaten War and various AI strategy issues)- Added check so that only non-subject USA will switch...
Aside from missions, there is another change to Austria that we can present at this stage. At present, Austria's heir is Ladislaus Postumus. Hungary usually soon acquires the same Ladislaus Postumus as an heir, but should both come to inherit their countries, they will continue to be treate...
our other Scandinavian kingdoms, the unified country of Scandinavia was never a real country. Yet it is undeniable that Denmark and Sweden tried to unite Scandinavia under their own banner during the history of this region. The Kalmar Union was the closest to a unification of these countries. ...
our other Scandinavian kingdoms, the unified country of Scandinavia was never a real country. Yet it is undeniable that Denmark and Sweden tried to unite Scandinavia under their own banner during the history of this region. The Kalmar Union was the closest to a unification of these countries. ...
are available to the minors, although the available missions should naturally prod a minor to eventually reach the conditions to form the Netherlands anyways. Their missions are largely concerned with three themes: protecting the Low Countries, getting rich, and going places to get even more rich....
Receiving war reparations from at least 3 countries 否则: 拥有至少200 金币 不是: 拥有至少 1 笔贷款 获得国家修正「税吏」持续10年,并给予以下效果: +25%国家税收修正 土地清理与灌溉 我们的土地自我们的人民在上面劳作开始就相当适合农业发展,但是如果我们想养活领土上的更多人口就需要清理一些树木和雨林并灌...
- Fixed discovered provinces not spread to Custom Nations with time.- Rebels can no longer progress towards breaking a country by occupying provinces of other countries.- Made building refund monarch point exploits impossible - game now remembers the power paid for a building for use in refund ...