模板:Mission tree/doc <Template:Mission tree 这是Template:Mission tree的模板文档。 当直接浏览时,使用变量可能会失效,请不要zh-hans:使用硬编码来代替;zh-hant:寫死页面名或地址。 该模板用于生成任务树,具体使用方法请见下文。 参数 参数描述状态
Complete the Austrian mission tree. AEIOU AEIOU 完成奥地利任务树。完成奥地利任务树 完成奥地利任务树。 297 achievement_napoleons_ambition spread_revolution_ten_times_tt Napoleon’s Ambition NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_46_NAME As Revolutionary France, spread the Revolution to 10 countries. 拿破仑的野心 拿破...
All vassalized countries from the Lübeck mission "Unite the League" will now become a historical friend of Lübeck. Forming Punjab will no longer devolve your mission tree to the generic ones. Missions which require you to concentrate development three times have now an alternative way to comple...
The greek names of the Turkish provinces are now dynamic instead of being locked behind Byzantium's mission tree。 修复了an issue, which made the usage of the Feudal Theocracy unusable if you switch from Muslim to Zoroastrian。 新增和修复了统治者和consort names for the different governments。
All vassalized countries from the Lübeck mission "Unite the League" will now become a historical friend of Lübeck. Forming Punjab will no longer devolve your mission tree to the generic ones. Missions which require you to concentrate development three times have now an alternative way to comple...
Complete the Spanish Mission Tree. 永恒的黄金时代 永恒的黄金岁月 完成西班牙任务树。完成所有的西班牙任务。 完成西班牙任务树。 291 achievement_basque_in_the_glory 无 Basque in Glory NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_40_NAME Starting as Navarra, ensure that most of Iberia is Basque culture before the Age of ...
The greek names of the Turkish provinces are now dynamic instead of being locked behind Byzantium's mission tree。 修复了an issue, which made the usage of the Feudal Theocracy unusable if you switch from Muslim to Zoroastrian。 新增和修复了统治者和consort names for the different governments。