We have another fragmented dev diary today as each of us will talk about content that we've designed and implemented. Our focus this time will be on mission trees in the Balkans region. 大家吼啊!今天我们又有一篇拼拼凑凑的开发日志,我们中的每个人都要说说我们各自设计和实现的内容。这一次,我们...
Welcome once again to the weekly EU4 development diary. I'm neondt, and today I'll be talking about the French and Provençal mission trees, before handing you over to @Ofaloaf who will have more than a few words to say about the Dutch. I'll also show you a few new government r...
Welcome to this week's developer diary where I will be revealing two new mission trees: Finland and Lübeck! As a note ahead of time, the new Finland mission tree will be part of the upcoming DLC, while we decided to grant Emperor's Lübeck tree to Hamburg and Bremen (with the appropri...
Welcome once again to the weekly EU4 development diary. I’m neondt, and today I’ll be talking about the French and Provençal mission trees, before handing you over to @Ofaloaf who will have more than a few words to say about the Dutch. I’ll also show you a few new government...
You receive new mission trees and events when you become a new nation. Some of them have permanent modifiers and rewards. Without endgame tags, it’d be possible to continuously cycle through all the formables and stack their modifiers. You could become ridiculously powerful if that were allowe...
That’s it for now. Next week, I’ll be presenting a few of the German mission trees we have prepared so far. Last edited: May 7, 2019 Reply Report Written by Caligula Caesar Stellaris Technical Scripter Paradox Staff63 Badges Messages 752 Reaction score 2.392 1 2 3 … 18 Next ...
The cost of using harsh treatment can be significantly reduced through the Age of Absolutism ability Harsher Treatment −50% (requires Mandate of Heaven), and a few mission trees have −25% harsh treatment cost that can be "saved" for use during the Age of Absolutism. Combining these two...
The European Commission will host a week-long European Week of Regions and Cities, which showcases the implementation of the EU’s Cohesion Policy, reflects on its past achievements and discusses how the Policy can best continue to fulfil its EU Treaty mission of promoting economic, social, and...
- Removed trees in oceans and lakes in various provinces all over the world.- flavor_eth.21, "The Oromo" will now no longer refer directly to the Abrahamic faiths in its text and the tooltip will now show correct information.- Fixed double "achievements disabled" messages when cancelling ...
AirHelp’s mission is to help air passengers. Since 2013 we have been dedicated to serving the travel community by providing crucial, up-to-date information about passenger rights. So far, we’ve helped 2.5 million passengers get compensation. In doing so, AirHelp has fundamentally changed the...