add_missionaryadd_missionary [country tag]This command adds a missionary to the country with the specified country tag. add_nativesadd_natives [province id] [amount]This command adds natives to the province with the specified ID. The amount added is equal to the number specifiedmultiplied by 100...
- Fixed fix for not being able to cancel transfer trade power without Wealth of Nations.- Fixed a bug where the AI could invite non-native countries to a federation.- Fixed a bug where the AI would make suicidal invasions due to counting all enemy units in the area as friendly. - ...
"Once known as Irishtown and a ghetto for native Irish in Dublin, we have turned the tables. The district is now relegated to the Englishmen who remain, there being forced to integrate into the new order." } mth_the_cess = { global_tax_modifier = 0.1 "The Cess is a special tax for...
causing the AI to pick the third (worst) type instead. This made the AI hire diplo advisors way too often. Another obscure bug was that if it took the AI too long to save up the money for the initial advisor cost, it could lose track of it, making the money "earmarked" but ever ...
IDEA_TO_TECH -0.02 每个已点亮理念对对应科技花费减免 TECH_TIME_COST 0.3 随时间增长的科技花费,在游戏结束时达到这一数值 TECH_AHEAD_OF_TIME 0.1 科技超前于年份的点数花费惩罚 PS_BUY_IDEA 400 理念点数花费 PS_BUY_NATIVE_ADVANCEMENT 500 土著理念花费 PS_BUY_RELIGIOUS_REFORM 0 PS_ADVANCE_TEC...
The native mission "Uniting the Tribes" can now be completed if you have 20 or more provinces. Ming's missions are now available to countries which primary culture is of the Chinese culture group (with the Sinicized cultures as the exception). Adjusted the Mongolian mission "Unite the Mongols...
Added option in Native conversion to Christianity event to convert to Anglican Added missing localisation for increased_african_indian_trade modifier Bourgeoisie request privileges now uses scripted effects to determine estate loyalty outcome Fixed naval battle casualties summary when a party retreats ...
Shogunate given additional diplomat and envoy travel time to compensate for Diplomatic Relations loss Ayuthayan events now give 2 mercantilism rather than 7. Can now only ask for at most 50% of another country's trade power. Reduced Native American Tech 5 infantry unit pips from 6 to 4. ...
- Native Policies: You can now choose a policy for you handle the native population in colonies between Coexistance, Trading or Repression, with each giving a different benefit. - Threaten War: Adds a diplomatic option to let you demand a province that you have a claim or core on. If the...
causing the AI to pick the third (worst) type instead. This made the AI hire diplo advisors way too often. Another obscure bug was that if it took the AI too long to save up the money for the initial advisor cost, it could lose track of it, making the money "earmarked" but ever ...