add_missionaryadd_missionary [country tag]This command adds a missionary to the country with the specified country tag. add_nativesadd_natives [province id] [amount]This command adds natives to the province with the specified ID. The amount added is equal to the number specifiedmultiplied by 100...
- You can no longer pillage development from natives' capitals with no losses. # Other - Disallowed heir for favours for some government types. - Fixed the climate of some provinces in north america. - Favors from relative alliance strength works the right way around. - Favours for x now u...
AI colonial nations will never want to ally natives. Interface Show Send Missionary option on how to handle religious rebels if they are actually of wrong religion. Great power interface will now tell you that if you are a subject and aspire to become a great power you need to break free ...
Re-added the "Tribal Identity" government reform for natives. 中原王朝政府改革现在给予相同文化组国家-100的好感。 大蒙古部落政府现在提供+50%骑兵比率而不再是25%,因此您不再被锁定只有为腾格里文化时才能享受100%骑兵乐趣。 宗教 和谐度增长的基础值将从1降至0.25,而融合宗教过程中的和谐度损失将从3升至3....
More detailed control over the cultures and natives living in your nation and the ability to work more closely with your AI allies and understand their goals will let you bring out your inner Peter the Great. Key features: Europa Universalis 4 The Cossacks provides you with upgraded gameplay....
Re-added the "Tribal Identity" government reform for natives. 中原王朝政府改革现在给予相同文化组国家-100的好感。 大蒙古部落政府现在提供+50%骑兵比率而不再是25%,因此您不再被锁定只有为腾格里文化时才能享受100%骑兵乐趣。 宗教 和谐度增长的基础值将从1降至0.25,而融合宗教过程中的和谐度损失将从3升至3....
Moved religious locks from before the year 1650 to be valid from script in Age of Discovery & Age of Reformation only. added better and worse comparisons to other players in statistics page. [Art of War] Automatic Fleet Transport now docks to pick up and drop off your armies when possible...
Fixed province with wrong culture and added missing history files. The wastelands are now known to the NA natives. Fixed “goto to the event” which properly goes to the event's province. Fixed explain how it's calculated the quantity of a reward gived by a favor. ...
13 Primitive Civilizations Study, enlighten, or infiltrate the natives 2015-12-14 14 Uplifting and Subspecies Uplift and tailor pre-sentients, alter your own people 2015-12-21 15 Fallen Empires Powerful, isolationist AI empires 2016-01-04 16 Colony Events Events to set your planets apart ...
Fixed bug that caused natives to continue sieging a province over and over, if the province became a city while there was a native uprising in that province. Fixed trade company button being hidden behind the return province button in province interface. Fixed exploit that made it possible to ...