add_missionaryadd_missionary [country tag]This command adds a missionary to the country with the specified country tag. add_nativesadd_natives [province id] [amount]This command adds natives to the province with the specified ID. The amount added is equal to the number specifiedmultiplied by 100...
AI colonial nations will never want to ally natives. Interface Show Send Missionary option on how to handle religious rebels if they are actually of wrong religion. Great power interface will now tell you that if you are a subject and aspire to become a great power you need to break free ...
to life with the Estates, representing powerful interests such as the Magnates of Poland-Lithuania and the eponymous Cossacks of the steppe. More detailed control over the cultures and natives living in your nation and the ability to work more closely with your AI allies and understand their ...
Re-added the "Tribal Identity" government reform for natives. 中原王朝政府改革现在给予相同文化组国家-100的好感。 大蒙古部落政府现在提供+50%骑兵比率而不再是25%,因此您不再被锁定只有为腾格里文化时才能享受100%骑兵乐趣。 宗教 和谐度增长的基础值将从1降至0.25,而融合宗教过程中的和谐度损失将从3升至3....
Moved religious locks from before the year 1650 to be valid from script in Age of Discovery & Age of Reformation only. added better and worse comparisons to other players in statistics page. [Art of War] Automatic Fleet Transport now docks to pick up and drop off your armies when possible...
Comment from @Ogele:We had some 额外的 playtests和we noticed that +5% Land Morale has been not efficient enough to make Catholicism a competitive religion regarding the military strength。 Because of that we reverted the change from 5% to 10% again。 We will keep a close eye on it though...
Re-added the "Tribal Identity" government reform for natives. 中原王朝政府改革现在给予相同文化组国家-100的好感。 大蒙古部落政府现在提供+50%骑兵比率而不再是25%,因此您不再被锁定只有为腾格里文化时才能享受100%骑兵乐趣。 宗教 和谐度增长的基础值将从1降至0.25,而融合宗教过程中的和谐度损失将从3升至3....
Mothballed fleets will now tell you how much it would cost to upgrade them, and not just that its impossible due to being mothballed. Added tooltip for when natives that cant build ships cant send colonists to islands. Favor Tooltip text now shows date of next favor. Discovered spies now...
granting various benefits at the cost of local autonomy. A powerful estate will have significant effects on the country that are good or bad depending on whether they are loyal or not. Estates that grow extremely powerful will attempt to seize power in the country or break away to form their...
The wastelands are now known to the NA natives. Fixed “goto to the event” which properly goes to the event's province. Fixed explain how it's calculated the quantity of a reward gived by a favor. Fixed wrong pathing in north american east coast territory. Fixed overlap of tab buttons...