runyearrunyear [year] [file name]This console command will run the commands within the file with the specified name when the game year hits the specified year. See argument information for where to place the file. set_base_manpowerset_base_manpower [province id] [value]This command sets ...
Fow go to war many Wu Cash money Nopausetext # switch display indicator (pause screenshot look)Nextsong # for a BGM Date [date in format] # to change the current date Real time time # OOS # of unknown significance, I guess is to generate a check code?How long does the...
为什么我写的代码没有用啊 namespace=first_event province_event = { id = frist_event.1 desc = frist_event.1.d title = frist_event.1.t picture = AULIC_COUNCIL_eventPicture trigger = { } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 12 } is_triggered_only = no option = { name = "frist_...
ANNEX_OR_INTEGRATE_PRESTIGE 5.0 外交合并或吞并的威望奖励 PROVINCE_DISCOVERY_PRESTIGE 0.1 首次探索发现新省份增长的威望 PROVINCE_DISCOVERY_YEARS_TECHNOLOGY 50 已经探明的省份将在此数值年份内传播至所有同科技组国家 PROVINCE_DISCOVERY_YEARS_RELIGION 100 已经探明的省份将在此数值年份内传播至所有同宗教国家 ...
Prior to 1.34 Gotland was a province occupied by a rebel stack led by the Danish ex-king Eric of Pomerania. This has changed now and Gotland is selectable at the start of the game with Eric as its ruler. 在1.34版本号以前,哥特兰在开局时被以丹麦前国王波美拉尼亚的埃里克为首的叛军占领。而...
The colony will belong to the annexer.# Score- Implemented impact of wars on the underlying monthly score, so lost wars against higher ranked countries with high peacescore are bad for you, while winning wars are good.- Now get a 25% penalty to monthly score for each rival not set.# ...
- AI is now better at evaluating when to annex/integrate a subject.- 现在AI能更好地评估何时吞并附属国。- Fixed bug that catholic AI colonial nations avoided expanding into overlord's Tordesilla regions.- 修正了天主教AI殖民国避免在宗主国被托尔德西利亚斯条约认可的区域进行殖民的bug。- Reduced ...
Added tooltip for Conform to Template view when province is not controlled by you or your overlord Added tooltip to Italian Wars event explaining that relations with Spain will be worsened. All subsidies are now canceled when going bankrupt Anglicanism will no longer spawn in a country that is ...
505111187 双子星333吧 LTL双子 欧陆风云4修改cash # 增加指定数目的金钱 powerpoints # 增加指定数目外交、军事、海军点数 manpower # 增加指定数目的人力 yesman 强制电脑接受所有外交 annex 指定国家ID 吞并指定国家 vassalize 指定国家ID 附庸指定国家 manpower #添加后备兵员 add_missionary 国家名 给指定国家增加...
Every province in a Trade Company Area gains a bonus to Goods Produced proportional to how much of the trade the company controls If a single Trade Company controls >50% of the province Trade Power in an Area, the owning nation gets an extra merchant. Each Trade Company gets a generated ...