annexannex [country tag] [country tag]This cheat will annex the country with the specified tag for either your own country or a specified country. army_traditionarmy_tradition [amount] [country tag]This command will add the specified amount of army tradition to a specified country tag. ...
505111187 双子星333吧 LTL双子 欧陆风云4修改cash # 增加指定数目的金钱 powerpoints # 增加指定数目外交、军事、海军点数 manpower # 增加指定数目的人力 yesman 强制电脑接受所有外交 annex 指定国家ID 吞并指定国家 vassalize 指定国家ID 附庸指定国家 manpower #添加后备兵员 add_missionary 国家名 给指定国家增加...
Replaced the events that assign trade goods to provinces with a system of scripted weights, and made it possible to see what trade goods a province can get by hovering over the 'unknown' tradegood in province view or hovering over the province in tradegoods mapmode. No longer possible to ...
University now allows you to build an extra building in the province, so that there is no need to tear it down after developing the province. Increased base number of buildings per province from 1 to 2. Removed build cost increase from tropical, arctic and arid (still has development cost ...
AI can now cheat on maintenance for border and capital forts (there is a define to disable this) and won't mothball these. Fixed problem with AI not hiring advisors. HRE AI should no longer demand Unlawful Territory multiple times for the same province. ...