cultureculture [province id]This cheat command sets the culture of the specified province to the primary culture of the country you are playing as. datedate []This command changes the date of the game to the date specified. ...
2. To add a new province to the mapadd the new province to map\provinces.bmpadd the new province's RGB value to map\definition.csvincrease the total number of provinces in map\ and assign the province as ocean or a lake if neededadd a new province history file to history\...
University now allows you to build an extra building in the province, so that there is no need to tear it down after developing the province. Increased base number of buildings per province from 1 to 2. Removed build cost increase from tropical, arctic and arid (still has development cost ...
Added the define GRANT_PROVINCE_LIBERTY_MULTIPLIER to control Liberty desire reduction from Grant Province. Added the AI define PEACE_TERMS_GIVE_UP_CLAIM_PERMANENT which takes the place of PEACE_TERMS_GIVE_UP_CLAIM if a permanent claim will be given up as a part of the peace deal. Added def...
Merchant Republics now always give their production bonus to provinces where they have trade power, even if they or someone transfering trade power to them own the province (but not if it has gold as trade goods). Lack of debate in parliament is no longer a hit on legitimacy or republican...