cultureculture [province id]This cheat command sets the culture of the specified province to the primary culture of the country you are playing as. datedate []This command changes the date of the game to the date specified. ...
ESTATE_PROVINCE_HAPPINESS_CHANGE_MAX_POS 20 阶层忠诚度因每次分配省份带来的增长,不会高于此值 ESTATE_PROVINCE_HAPPINESS_CHANGE_MAX_NEG 30 阶层忠诚度因每次分配省份带来的损失,不会高于此值' ESTATE_PROVINCE_POWER 1.5 阶层所掌握的相应百分比的(非海外)省份带来的影响力 ESTATE_PROVINCE_POWER_MAX 50 省...
Advanced Change Culture: Allows you to restore cultures or change to neighboring ones at reduced costs, rather than only the primary culture. Declare Colonial War: When declaring war, you can now choose to make the war a Colonial War against overseas opponents. This disables calling in your all...
Force Migration: Added a new casus belli that lets you force a migratory neighbor to move to another province. Concede Colonial Area: Added a new peace option available when you have a Colonial Nation to take all provinces owned by the enemy in that region. Advanced Change Culture: Allows yo...
Colonists in Trade Company provinces do no longer change the religion or culture of the province. Admirals now have siege ability which increases blockade efficiency by 10% per point. Merchant marine now gives +50% Sailors; Press Gangs now give +20% Sailor Recovery. Added mechanics for Sailors...