usually provided by an applicant (normally the producer or a potential user of the food additive). This dossier must contain the chemical identifications of the additive, its manufacturing process, methods of analyses and reaction and fate in food, the case of need, the proposed uses...
Controversial EU food-additive additionsdoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)60493-XArthur RogersThe Lancet
Unionlistsetsoutthefollowingauthorisedadditivesforfoodcategory:GroupIadditives,caramels(E150a-d)andsulphurdioxide—sulphites(E220-228)onlyinfermentationvinegar. (5) Aceticacid(alsousedasafoodadditiveE260)whendilutedwithwater(4-30%byvolume)couldbeusedasafoodorfoodingredientinthesamemannerasvinegarsfrom...
The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) has deemed titanium dioxide, a widely used food additive, to be unsafe in its latest study, contradicting an earlier conclusion and paving the way for an EU-wide ban after a decade of debate. Titanium dioxide is used to whiten patisserie,...
Function Nutritional fortifiers, calcium supplement.Used as medicine health care products, food additives.Calcium L-Threonate have suitable molecular weight, have both water soluble and lipid soluble, easy to be absorbed by intestine. Calcium L-Threonate solution ...
The estimated intakes of the NF would lead to an exceedance of the ADI when considering natural occurrence and exposure to lycopene when used as a food additive. Due to the absence of safety data regarding phytoene and phytofluene intake from the NF, and the contribution of the NF to the ...
Intake estimates for the NF consumed via foods in which it would be added as an ingredient were performed for the general population, based on the EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. The highest daily intake of the NF was estimated for young children at 92.6 mg/kg body weigh...
Recently, the presence of an unauthorized genetically modified (GM) Bacillus subtilis bacterium overproducing vitamin B2 in a feed additive was notified by the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF). This has demonstrated that a contamination by a GM micro-organism (GMM) may occur in fee...
The following non-hazardous biogenic wastes, based on their Code, were investigated using the Eurostat database (Fig. 1). Download: Download high-res image (417KB) Download: Download full-size image Fig. 1. Codes of the analyzed waste categories according to the Nomenclature of Economic ...
Statistics Database (EUROSTAT 2010a) The Black Report, commissioned by the Department of Health an Social Security in the UK, is considered to be one of the landmark studies on social health inequalities. The choice of Ireland as a benchmark country is also in line with the concept of ...