TOEFL iBT Reading Practice Sets (PDF) TOEFL iBT Listening Practice Sets with audio tracks (zip) TOEFL iBT Speaking Practice Sets (PDF) TOEFL iBT Writing Practice Sets (PDF) 本文内容整理自托福官方
托福考试新变化 考试时间缩短 1. 托福考试整体考试时长从3小时更改为2小时 2. 阅读听力部分结束后,不再设置10min休息 减掉的部分是:1篇阅读(18分钟),阅读和听力的加试(18分钟),中场休息(10分钟),独立写作改为TOEFL Writing Academic Discussion task 这样,阅读35分钟+听力36分钟+口语16分钟+写作29分钟。总时长...
托福iBT备考资源(需要的同学可留言): TOEFL iBT Reading Practice Sets (PDF) TOEFL iBT Listening Practice Sets with audio tracks (zip) TOEFL iBT Speaking Practice Sets (PDF) TOEFL iBT Writing Practice Sets (PDF) 本文内容整理自托福官方 更多托福、雅思培训咨询,联系赛思课程顾问老师Alina,还可领取海量学...
Writing Question第一题中,应试者有3分钟的时间可以阅读短文,在这3分钟内,需要快速找到文中重点(main idea),可以笔记。 接着,应试者会听一段和听完一段和该短文相关的讨论,这段2分钟的讨论,针对主题会有不一样的想法,应试者可以笔记,重点在于讲者回应阅读短文的观点。 等到2分钟的讨论结束后,会回到主画面,刚刚...
今天小编就根据ETS(美国教育考试服务中心)官方Youtube频道推出Inside the TOEFL® Test系列,教大家理解考试题型及评分重点,让你知道测验的重点为何,顺利解题拿分! ——如何在托福整合写作中顺利拿高分?看看官方怎么说! # Question Structure 问题结构 Writing Question第一题中,应试者有3分钟的时间可以阅读短文,在这...
ETS官方于今天召开2023年托福考试全新升级发布会,全新的托福考试将于2023年7月26号起全球推行。 7月26日首考改革后的新版本: 1.取消加试,时间缩短成116分钟 2.阅读减少一篇,变成2篇。 3. 独立写作更改为“Writing for an Academic Discussion”task
TOEFL Writing Academic Discussion Question NO.2: Artising The test-taker must read the question posted by the professor and the two student responses. Finally, they should write their own response which addresses the question a...
I think getting students into the habit of writing reflectively can be very beneficial. Journal writing gives students an opportunity to develop their own ideas about what they're learning whether it's for a math class or a literature class. It could also give the teacher an informal way to...
This task is scored using the Integrated Writing Rubrics. A response that receives a score of 5 clearly conveys all three of the main points in the table using accurate sentence structure and vocabulary. 【托福写作新题型评分标准】+【ETS官方范文及写作思路】以及更多托福写作新题型模拟试题,同学们可以...
The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a widely recognized English proficiency test that measures the ability of non-native English speakers to understand and use the English language. It consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. In this essay, I will...