Writing Practice Set 2: (Academic Discussion) -- Response Tips To earn a top score, you should state and support your opinion about whether education or environmental protections should be the priority for governments to spend money on. Your response is a contribution to the other two students’...
https://toefl.kmf.com/erater/mockresult/160534609655288726/11c2aj 5分 2020-11-14 19:11:27 hanqiao991010 赞 2 踩 举报 第一次写522个这多词,但竟然没拿到5分...原因之一可能是词汇重复导致独立单词数少。PS:For those who are concerned with not writing enough words, you can try taking examp...
托福iBT备考资源(需要的同学可留言): TOEFL iBT Reading Practice Sets (PDF) TOEFL iBT Listening Practice Sets with audio tracks (zip) TOEFL iBT Speaking Practice Sets (PDF) TOEFL iBT Writing Practice Sets (PDF) 本文内容整理自托福官方 更多托福、雅思培训咨询,联系赛思课程顾问老师Alina,还可领取海量学...
Finally, it is also stated in the lecture that sometimes, it is sometimes the authors fault because modern literature which they write are too difficult for reader to understand, the point of which is at odds with what is mentioned in the reading that writing as well as reading are ...
2024年11月16日—11月17日,由托福考试主办方ETS与上海外教社教育培训中心联合推出的托福教师发展计划(TOEFL Teacher Development Program)首期托福官方教师培训课程圆满收官。 本期培训聚焦中国英语学习者的语言输出技能(写作及口语)薄弱问题,...
“how our body is working and how he is able to communicate” rather than “how it is able to communicate”). However, these errors are fairly minor and such errors might be expected when writing under timed conditions. The writer is able to use some complex sentences and relatively ...
Using the ETS learning objectives and teaching techniques, teachers will maximize the potential of their classroom instruction to help students develop strong academic English writing abilities and TOEFL iBT test performance. 利用ETS学习目标和教学方法,教师将最大程度地发挥课堂教学潜能,帮助学生提高学术英语写...
This task is scored using the Integrated Writing Rubrics. A response that receives a score of 5 clearly conveys all three of the main points in the table using accurate sentence structure and vocabulary. 【托福写作新题型评分标准】+【ETS官方范文及写作思路】以及更多托福写作新题型模拟试题,同学们可以...
Directions: Give yourself 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response is judged on the quality of the writing and on how well it presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words. You ma...