TPO 全称 TOEFL Practice Online,是由 ETS 出的官方模考真题,难度与真实考试相近。新老 TPO 加起来一共有 73 套,如果时间充裕的话可以全做一遍,时间较紧张的话,按照备考节奏,选取一些做就行了,最重要的是找到自己的弱项再强化攻克。刷题基本 ETS 官方给出的 TPO 就够了,建议: 备考前期:TPO 1-33; 中期:...
Response time: 20 minutes Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage. Writing Practice Set 1: (Integrated) – Response Tips What is important to understand from the lecture is that the professor ...
托福TestReady也整合了模拟考试,即TOEFL Practice Online(TPO)。 为考生模拟真实的托福iBT考试体验。 2.2单项模考 在模拟考试的环境下,针对某一科目进行练习。用户不仅能获得托福预估分数及CEFR等级,同时还会根据做题情况,推送口语和写作部分的个性化反馈。 2.3单项练习&题型练习及官方备考产品 托福TestReady为用户提供针对...
所有托福TestReady提供的反馈、建议、个性化解析和提示都由研发托福 iBT 考试的同一团队开发。 无论你是刚刚开始准备托福 iBT 考试,还是希望提高分数,托福TestReady都可以助你一臂之力,提供符合你能力水平和考试目标的定制化学习方案。 01 免费练习...
2. 访问托福在线练习(TPO)主页: 2.1 登录/注册您的TPO帐号 2.2 在左侧菜单栏选择“输入授权码(Enter Authorization Code)”,并输入您的授权码 2.3 在“开始新的考试(Start a New Test)”下选择“开始在线考试(Start Online)” ...
6 Authentic TOEFL iBT Practice Test 1 Reading Listening Speaking Writing Answers, Explanations, and Listening Scripts 7 Authentic TOEFL iBT Practice Test 2 Reading Listening Speaking Writing Answers and Listening Scripts Appendix 1: TOEFL iBT Score Information Appendix 2: Performance Feedback for Test ...
This section is now a standard part of the TOEFL iBT. Previously, a writing test was administered as a separate test (TWE) from the paper and computer based TOEFL. The iBT writing section is divided into two parts: Integrated Writing and Independent Writing. ...
It is advised to practice timed writing to enhance writing speed and accuracy. Scoring in the TOEFL test is based on a scale of 0 to 30 for each section, with a maximum total score of 120. Universities and institutions use these scores to determine the English language proficiency of ...
目前,对于托福考试来说,所谓的真题就是OG和TPO(TOEFL PracticeOn-line),加之过去pbt(paper- basedtest)考试时遗留下来的真题,也就是老托福的题目。总共也就这三大类。我们一起通过对比来了解一下为什么要使用ETS官方材料。 那么首先我们先来了解一下现在市面上的阅读材料都有哪些。这里给大家列了表格: ...