Writing Practice Set 4: (Academic Discussion) -- Instructions, Question and Discussion Your professor is teaching a class on economics. Write a post responding to the professor’s question. In your response you should: •express and support your opinion •make a contribution to the discussion ...
TPO 全称 TOEFL Practice Online,是由 ETS 出的官方模考真题,难度与真实考试相近。新老 TPO 加起来...
TOEFL iBT Listening Practice Sets with audio tracks (zip) TOEFL iBT Speaking Practice Sets (PDF) TOEFL iBT Writing Practice Sets (PDF) 本文内容整理自托福官方
TOEFL iBT Listening Practice Sets with audio tracks (zip) TOEFL iBT Speaking Practice Sets (PDF) TOEFL iBT Writing Practice Sets (PDF) 本文内容整理自托福官方 更多托福、雅思培训咨询,联系赛思课程顾问老师Alina,还可领取海量学习资源和书单!!!
Integrated Writing Scoring Rubric Sample Scored Responses for the Integrated Writing Task The Independent Writing Task How Essays Are Scored Independent Writing Scoring Rubric Sample Scored Responses for the Independent Writing Task The Independent Writing Topics Topic list 6 Authentic TOEFL iBT Practice ...
2. 访问托福在线练习(TPO)主页:http://toeflpractice.ets.org 2.1 登录/注册您的TPO帐号 2.2 在左侧菜单栏选择“输入授权码(Enter Authorization Code)”,并输入您的授权码 2.3 在“开始新的考试(Start a New Test)”下选择“开始在线考试(Start Online)” ...
This section is now a standard part of the TOEFL iBT. Previously, a writing test was administered as a separate test (TWE) from the paper and computer based TOEFL. The iBT writing section is divided into two parts: Integrated Writing and Independent Writing. ...
TOEFL Practice Online(TPO)考试能够模拟真实的托福iBT考试体验。 ● 查看并回答真实的考题。 ● 24 小时内获得分数和表现反馈。 ● 自由选择考试题量,从整场考试、半场考试到口语考试。 05 单项模考 | Section Tests 在考试模式下,针对某一...
TOEFLPracticeOnline(TPO) ——ETS官方托福全真在线模考使用说明 一、设备要求: 安装有Windows98,NT,2000,XP或2003系统的计算机 安装有IE6.0及以上浏览器以及音频播放器 配备耳麦 稳定的网络连接且带宽1M以上 二、使用步骤: PARTONE(面授班学员由此开始,零售版学员请忽略) ...