esp32与DHT11的连接: DHT11和DHT22传感器有3针,有4针两种,用到的只有3个针,分别是+,数据传输针和地,分别对应esp32的vcc,pin和GND。连接如图所示。 连接好后,打开arduino ide,新建一个文件,选择自己的端口和esp32的类型,我这里是端口3和NodeMCU-32s。 /** ESP32 + DHT11 Example for eyeglasses https:/...
#define DHT11_CLR gpio_set_level(DHT11_PIN, 0) #define DHT11_SET gpio_set_level(DHT11_PIN, 1) #define DHT11_IN gpio_set_direction(DHT11_PIN, GPIO_MODE_INPUT) #define DHT11_OUT gpio_set_direction(DHT11_PIN, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT) uint8_t DHT11Data[4]={0}; uint8_t Temp, Humi;...
In this tutorial, we will learn to interface DHT11 and DHT22 sensors with ESP32 using Arduino IDE. We will create a DHT11/DHT22 web server with ESP32 to display temperature and relative humidity values on a Web page. In this project, we will create two types of DHT11 and DHT22 web ...
Simple DHT11 library DHT11 is a simple temperature & humidity sensor. BME280 humidity/temperature/pressure sensor Adafruit BME280 Arduino library BME280 driver Reading values from a BME280 via ESP-IDF's I²C master driver ESP32 MicroPython BME280 MQTT sample Cameras Igrr's ESP32-Cam-Demo ...
dht.begin(); connectWifi(); connectMQTT(); delay(1000); String tempConfig = "{ "unique_id": "esp32_temperature_sensor1", "name": "温度传感器1", "state_topic": "home/esp32/temperature1", "unit_of_measurement": "°C", "device_class": "temperature", ...
按照图像中的以下步骤导入仪表板。在附件中找到名为“magicbit_temperature_humidity_demo_dashboard.json”的演示 JSON 文件。 按如下方式将您的魔法位与 DHT11 模块连接到引脚 33。 在Arduino IDE 中下载以下库, 以下是您将使用的 Arduino 代码。 注意您需要在草图中编辑以下常量和变量: ...
// DHT11 #define DHTTYPE DHT11 uint32_t g_delay_ms; sensor_t g_sensor; sensors_event_t g_event; // WIFI const char* g_wifi_ssid = "wifi"; const char* g_wifi_password = "wifi"; // 时间NTP相关 const char* g_ntp_server1 = ""; const char* g_ntp_server2 ...
I have been able to interface with other things while the camera is enabled, specifically the DHT11 Temperature/Humidity sensor. That works fine. It's almost like when the camera is in use the ESP32Cam is not able to do PWM (maybe the camera module is using up all of the available sy...
floatreadDHTTemperature(){ // Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (its a very slow sensor) // Read temperature as Celsius (the default) floatt=11; // Read temperature as Fahrenheit (isFahrenheit = true) //float t = dht.readTemperature(true); ...