/** ESP32 + DHT11 Example for eyeglasses https://wokwi.com/arduino/projects/322410731508073042 */ #include "DHTesp.h" //引入DHTesp头文件,为下面调用函数做准备。 const int DHT_PIN = 15; //定义一个整形变量,目的是使用GPIO-15来接收来自传感器的数据 DHTesp dhtSensor; //定义一个DHT传感器 /...
const int DHT_PIN = 15; //定义一个整形变量,目的是使用GPIO-15来接收来自传感器的数据 DHTesp dhtSensor; //定义一个DHT传感器 //arduino里的setup函数,执行一次 void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); //串口的速率 dhtSensor.setup(DHT_PIN, DHTesp::DHT11);//把DHT11与gpio第15号数字引脚关联。
import dht sensor = dht.DHT11(Pin(23)) #读取DHT11数据 sensor.measure() # 调用DHT类库中测量数据的函数 temp_ = str(sensor.temperature())#读取measure()函数中的温度数据 hum_ = str(sensor.humidity()) # 读取measure()函数中的湿度数据 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 使用方法很简单 就是引...
It is a small box that houses the sensor DHT22 and the uC ESP32 for it, it also includes an OLED screen that shows the temperature and relative humidity, it also includes the 18650 battery with its respective charge controller and also allows IoT mode.Download...
|-- Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32 @ 4.4.9 |-- DHT sensor library @ 1.4.6 |-- Adafruit Unified Sensor @ 1.1.14 |-- ESP32Ping @ 1.7.0 |-- SD @ 2.0.0 |-- SPI @ 2.0.0 |-- WiFi @ 2.0.0 lbernstone ...
i debugged the Backtrace and PC with following information:PC: 0x400fb465: DHT::expectPulse(bool) at E:\.../.pio/libdeps/esp32doit-devkit-v1/DHT sensor library/DHT.cpp:382Backtrace: 0x400ff8c9: loopTask(void*) at C:/Users/.../.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/cores/...
/* https://breakrow.com/miliohm/temperature-and-humidity-sensor-dht11-with-arduino-tutorial-make-oled-termometer/ 10 - DHT11 pin OLED: SDA - SDA SCL - SCL */ #include < SPI.h > #include < Wire.h > #include < Adafruit_GFX.h > #include < Adafruit_SSD1306.h > #include < Fonts...
Esp8266为核心连接DHT22的温度传感器的技术要求 esp8266 温控,Arduino设计说明1.作品介绍1.1功能说明由手机软件“点灯科技APP”对作品进行主要控制,手机界面可显示温度湿度数值,设定临界点温度t=30摄氏度,当温度低于30摄氏度时绿灯亮起,风扇反转,转速500;温度高于30
values. I wanted to combine all interesting functions into one library. In addition, none of the DHT libraries I found were written to work without errors on the ESP32. For ESP32 (a multi core/ multi processing SOC) task switching must be disabled while reading data from the sensor. ...
I was initially using a GPIO pin on an ESP32-CAM that initialized to LOW at first, and was getting the Phase B issue. After switching to another pin that initialized to HIGH, the DHT sensor worked for me and was giving me accurate readings. ...