esp32与DHT11的连接: DHT11和DHT22传感器有3针,有4针两种,用到的只有3个针,分别是+,数据传输针和地,分别对应esp32的vcc,pin和GND。连接如图所示。 连接好后,打开arduino ide,新建一个文件,选择自己的端口和esp32的类型,我这里是端口3和NodeMCU-32s。 /** ESP32 + DHT11 Example for eyeglasses https:/...
Inside the DHT_reader_task() function, first the GPIO pin connected with the data pin is set using setDHTgpio() function. This function takes in a single parameter which is the ESP32 GPIO pin number that will output the sensor data. Then inside an infinite while loop, we will start rea...
In this ESP32 tutorial, we will check how to get temperature measurements on the Arduino core running on the ESP32, using a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor.
Note: ESP32/ESP8266 boards will be used in station mode to connect these boards to your local WiFi network. But you can also create a soft access point web server with ESP32/ESP8266. DHT11/DHT22 Introduction The DHT11/DHT22 is a sensor which measures relative humidity and temperature sen...
hum_ = str(sensor.humidity()) # 读取measure()函数中的湿度数据 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 使用方法很简单 就是引用 初始化 一个io 如何读取就可以了 time.sleep(2.5) 1. 官方建议读取数据的间隔大于2秒 以保证数据的准确性 接下来就是输出了,手里有有一个OLED的屏幕 7线的 ...
ESP32 with DHT11/DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor using Arduino IDE | Random Nerd arduino官网里面的DHT22项目,构建气象站。
I was initially using a GPIO pin on an ESP32-CAM that initialized to LOW at first, and was getting the Phase B issue. After switching to another pin that initialized to HIGH, the DHT sensor worked for me and was giving me accurate readings. ...
ESP32 18650 Battery Shield DHT11 CP2104 WIFI Temperature Humidity Smart Soil Moisture Sensor Detection Module No reviews yet Okystar Technology Co., Ltd.18 yrsCN Previous slideNext slide Previous slideNext slideKey attributes Industry-specific attributes Type other Use soil moisture sensor Other ...
/* 10 - DHT11 pin OLED: SDA - SDA SCL - SCL */ #include < SPI.h > #include < Wire.h > #include < Adafruit_GFX.h > #include < Adafruit_SSD1306.h > #include < Fonts...
Esp8266为核心连接DHT22的温度传感器的技术要求 esp8266 温控,Arduino设计说明1.作品介绍1.1功能说明由手机软件“点灯科技APP”对作品进行主要控制,手机界面可显示温度湿度数值,设定临界点温度t=30摄氏度,当温度低于30摄氏度时绿灯亮起,风扇反转,转速500;温度高于30